1)chinwel 5007 Q1 之eps=6 sen ,rolling 4 quarters eps=24sen ,
pe=13 ,stock price=rm3.12 ,目前仍然物有所值!
chinwel 有强大净利做后盾,股价上升有理,又有红股计昼.
(DIY fastener)的业务,并认为将是下一个业务增长的催化剂。
它竟然是全世界螺丝产量第一的一部分。当时我就想,那么多的利好,竟然只值PE 10?
9)公司于30-09-2015 Chinwel 的债务6097万,公司有CASH 9134万,净现金达3037万.NTA=RM1.62
(估计2016 eps=24sen,pe=9.6 ,股价=rm2.31)
进入价合理与低价,都可以收藏,公司基本面不变情况下,不必急于出售,这次chinwel rm2.24进入价,
星期四, 十一月 26, 2015
ChinWell Q1'16 成绩单 + 年会简记
ChinWell Q1'16的业绩非常的标青,每股盈利高达6.07分VS去年同期3.28分,营业额也比去年增加了约10%左右,主要是因为马来西亚业务带动,我猜想这是GST带来的正面效应吧!还有就是防盗篱笆和石笼网的盈利也比去年同期进步了许多,马币走软也为它带来约287万的额外盈利。季报的重点如下:
- 标紧固件(Fasterners)业务增长了7.84%,盈利增长34%。
- 防盗篱笆和石笼网(Wire Products)业务也增长了15%,成功的转亏为盈,为公司带来2.09mil盈利。
- 马来西亚业务大幅度增长120%,GST除了让产品价格更具竞争力之外(6% GST VS 10% 销售税),同时也因客户减少购买走私入口的中国货而需求激增。我认为这是长期的利好,Chinwel有望逐渐提高本地市场的份额。
- 欧洲市场萎缩了,相信若不是DIY业务与汇率撑着,欧洲营业额的贡献将会更少。
- 每股净现金来到10分的高位了,资产表越来越漂亮,维持40%的派息率简直没难度。
今天我也如约的出席了Chinwel的股东大会, 有幸与公司董事经理蔡永泉+太太, 公司执行董事蔡芑芸聊了约半个小时, 从公司业务开始聊, 也谈及国际经济局势与东南亚各国的竞争力。重点如下:
- 晋禾、晋亿与晋纬并不存在竞争关系,产品与针对的市场都各有不同。(一带一路火车轨道受惠的是晋亿)
- 公司的原料从中国采购,晋亿公司会帮忙圈定合格的商家,目前有3家公司以相当竞争的价格供应原料。(公司不考虑从晋亿购买原料)
- 马来西亚工厂的新员工(外劳)问题尚未解决,目前的员工只足够让公司以1班(shift)生产。
- 越南的员工冲劲十足,大部分员工都会做足12个小时(OT)。
- DIY包装需要靠人工,因此DIY包装阵营在越南,同时越南也是公司将来的成长的动力。
- 公司对DIY的前景表示乐观, 欧洲经济不景气会导致越来越多人亲自动手维修房子与家具, 这能够为公司的销售带来稳定的订单。
- 公司将会受惠于TPPA,目前从越南出口至美国需要8%的税务,若TPPA执行,公司将有能力与中国其它厂家竞争。值得一提的是,美国的市场比欧洲更大。
- 公司的生产成本无法追平中国的主要原因是中国对环境的管理较为松懈,举个例子:公司单单在water treatment方面每个月就至少要花上约400k的费用。无论如何,相信中国会逐步提升对环境保护的要求,因此5年后相信公司的竞争力就能跟上了。
- 中国目前正在处理僵尸企业的问题,因此中国国内的商家都是在打着割喉战,廉价销售亏损较少,不销售基本上就是等破产。预计最终能够存活下来的将会是行业的老大、老二,没有竞争力的商家会被慢慢淘汰。
- 目前集团(包括晋禾、晋亿)占了全世界约3%的销售,是当之无愧的老大!
- 来自印度的竞争并不强,定时交货是它们最大的弱点。同时,印度内需足以消化国内的产能,因此极少在国际竞争。
- 公司段其内并没有派发红股的打算,不过明年会考虑回购自家公司。
- 公司上市至今,蔡董与家族从未卖过公司的股票,曾经有基金找过他,希望能够买到一些股份,然而蔡董毫不考虑就拒绝了。蔡董还说,在大马上市的意义并不大,他也曾想过要把公司私有化,不过最终还是没有执行。
星期六, 十一月 21, 2015
上个星期我的交易比较多,为了筹积买Chinwel的资金,我在1块钱的价码把Hexza清了,只留1张免费票。同时也把手头上的CSCENIC与部分的Alaqar卖出换Chinwel,下星期若有好的价格,我还会继续套利Alaqar。另外一家我打算加码的Complet 这几天的交易量都不大,看来唯有季报出炉之后再决定是否追高加码了。
星期二, 十一月 24, 2015
转贴:台湾“螺丝大王”—蔡氏三兄弟 (chinwel的创业史)
螺丝王国的主角是三个兄弟:大哥蔡永龙现任中国大陆晋亿实业董事长、老二蔡永泉负责马来西亚和越南厂,目前是晋纬总经理,老三蔡永裕则是中国台湾晋禾总经理。 1975年,还是20岁小伙子的蔡永龙,听说高雄冈山镇的螺丝产业正兴起,对那里的螺丝机像印钞机不断吐出钞票的传言充满憧憬。国小毕业后,蔡永龙就离开台湾彰化竹塘老家,到冈山的大顺螺帽厂,从工厂最低层的黑手开始做起。 1979年,蔡永龙自行创业,凑了10万元,带着弟弟蔡永泉、蔡永裕自己买机器设备、零组件,组了两台螺帽成型机,把客厅当工厂,成立晋禾公司开始生产螺帽。蔡永龙三兄弟出身比别人差、起步比别人晚,发展过程中,也遇到难以突破的瓶颈。当时,台湾中钢供应原料采取配额制,以上一年度的采购量,决定下年度原料提取的多寡。而且螺丝业者若想进口原料,还需要中钢出具证明许可,原料供应制度限制了螺丝厂的发展,出现了强者更强的局面
当时蔡家三兄弟在台湾经营的晋禾企业,一个月获利已40万元,算是富足的中小企业。但是,蔡永龙不满足,赚钱之外,他要当螺丝业的老大!只是,在中钢的原料配额制下,他永远不可能在台湾当上第一。要摆脱这样的困境,只有到海外设厂! 1987年,兄弟抱着大破大立的决心,展开前进泰国的计划,学了一年泰文之后,1988年,三兄弟前往泰国签下购地合约。在朋友邀请下,顺便往马来西亚槟城考察,他们发现马来西亚槟城7成是华人,主要语言是闽南语,最重要的是当地有钢铁原料供应!当天,兄弟在旅途上召开紧急会议,转往槟城设厂,只在泰国设仓库。他们从一开始就要做南亚第一,决定陆续投入11亿元。为了当第一,蔡永龙亲自督军,他仅国小毕业,但马来西亚的晋纬公司,却用了包括马来西亚、印度、越南、中国、泰国、尼泊尔、孟加拉、缅甸、菲律宾、斯里兰卡等10国员工。为突破语言限制,蔡永龙发明图解螺丝生产的标准作业流程,包括螺丝线抽线机、螺丝成型机、磨牙设备到仓库管理,所有的螺丝生产机台,都画了详细的操作步骤,让所有员工可一目了然。这套图解流程,让训练生手员工的时间,从3个月缩短为1个月。 10国员工的文化背景和生活习惯南辕北辙。印度人喜欢在宿舍房间里养鸡生蛋当早餐,越南人则喜欢抓野狗煮火锅。蔡永龙只好把宿舍分成10处,分开管理。如今,晋亿集团在越南、中国大陆的工厂都有菲律宾、马来西亚干部进驻,人才已开始国际化。 1993年,蔡永龙有了更石破天惊的举动,他决定陆续投资1亿美元到大陆设厂。当时台湾晋禾销售收入不过6亿元,这笔庞大投资一旦成功,蔡家三兄弟就可以成为世界第一,但也有极大风险,万一失败,三兄弟可能没本钱再爬起来。
一年一年搜集包括各国最大代理商当年度买卖状况,输入电脑建立资料与分析,如果搜集不到代理商资料,就直接花钱跟当地海关购买。在中国大陆,蔡永龙大胆尝试,他采购巴西、俄罗斯、南韩与当地的便宜钢材。这些钢材品质比较低劣,生产不出好的螺丝,因此一般同业不敢采购。但他不认输,为扭转颓势,他开始投资上游工厂设备,前前后后花了3年摸索与学习,直到1998年,最大、最完整的垂直整合厂──大陆晋亿厂终于完成投产,螺丝三兄弟完成全世界第一个螺丝一条龙生产线,也正式坐上全球产能第一宝座。整合了螺丝制造过程,三兄弟接着发展仓储物流和渠道。 1992年,台湾晋禾每年获利在5000万元左右,却决定花8000万元盖台湾第一个螺丝自动仓储,准备储存价值2亿元、总量8000千吨的螺丝。消息传出,同业抱着看笑话的心态来参观。自动仓储展现了三兄弟在螺丝产业的大格局。
“从我们跨出台湾开始,我们就有计划地一步步搜集世界各国螺丝市场交易现况!”蔡永泉说,建立一个国家整体螺丝进出口与使用现况的资讯库,最少要三年。一年一年搜集包括各国最大代理商当年度买卖状况,输入电脑建立资料与分析,如果搜集不到代理商资料,就直接花钱跟当地海关购买,不计代价与成本,也要取得该国在该年度到底进出口多少种类与数量的螺丝。依据这套系统,螺丝三兄弟按照兄弟分工的方式,在大陆的蔡永龙主攻美国工业用螺丝与大陆市场、东南亚的老二蔡永泉主攻欧盟、东南亚与民生工业用螺丝、台湾的老三蔡永裕主攻高价合金钢螺丝市场。所有的库存按照市场实时状况做调整,缺什么螺丝就生产什么螺丝。 “所有库存务求三个月周转一次,随时检讨周转率低的库存!”蔡永泉、蔡永裕兄弟笑着说,应该怎么堆、该做什么库存才是关键。
不仅如此,三兄弟由台湾主导研发,不停地开发新螺丝,将产品线的种类不断推高。赵义隆分析,一次式服务时代,客户在乎的不仅是报价,而是整体性的服务,服务能力越高,掌握定单的机会越大。以螺丝产业为例,8成的定单可能都是标准型产品,其余两成则会有特殊要求,能替客户解决这两成的难题,就能通吃所有的定单,这就是胜出关键。 “我们不仅替Fastenal解决定单难题,还要替它节省成本!”蔡永泉说,过去螺丝交货是一个个货柜运往洛杉矶,Fastenal收货之后再自行依不同规格与数量分装送往各大据点,现在透过晋亿的自动仓储与两万种螺丝分类,Fastenal只要告知各据点需求与数量,螺丝三兄弟的工厂就按照这些需求,直接送往美国各地,省了Fastenal自行分装的人力与物流的费用。螺丝生产毛利仅10%,但三兄弟一次式服务却能加收5%的服务费,在螺丝三兄弟手里,螺丝产业不再是制造业,完全变成另一套管理与服务模式。 (吕国祯)
螺丝王国的主角是三个兄弟:大哥蔡永龙现任中国大陆晋亿实业董事长、老二蔡永泉负责马来西亚和越南厂,目前是晋纬总经理,老三蔡永裕则是中国台湾晋禾总经理。 1975年,还是20岁小伙子的蔡永龙,听说高雄冈山镇的螺丝产业正兴起,对那里的螺丝机像印钞机不断吐出钞票的传言充满憧憬。国小毕业后,蔡永龙就离开台湾彰化竹塘老家,到冈山的大顺螺帽厂,从工厂最低层的黑手开始做起。 1979年,蔡永龙自行创业,凑了10万元,带着弟弟蔡永泉、蔡永裕自己买机器设备、零组件,组了两台螺帽成型机,把客厅当工厂,成立晋禾公司开始生产螺帽。蔡永龙三兄弟出身比别人差、起步比别人晚,发展过程中,也遇到难以突破的瓶颈。当时,台湾中钢供应原料采取配额制,以上一年度的采购量,决定下年度原料提取的多寡。而且螺丝业者若想进口原料,还需要中钢出具证明许可,原料供应制度限制了螺丝厂的发展,出现了强者更强的局面
当时蔡家三兄弟在台湾经营的晋禾企业,一个月获利已40万元,算是富足的中小企业。但是,蔡永龙不满足,赚钱之外,他要当螺丝业的老大!只是,在中钢的原料配额制下,他永远不可能在台湾当上第一。要摆脱这样的困境,只有到海外设厂! 1987年,兄弟抱着大破大立的决心,展开前进泰国的计划,学了一年泰文之后,1988年,三兄弟前往泰国签下购地合约。在朋友邀请下,顺便往马来西亚槟城考察,他们发现马来西亚槟城7成是华人,主要语言是闽南语,最重要的是当地有钢铁原料供应!当天,兄弟在旅途上召开紧急会议,转往槟城设厂,只在泰国设仓库。他们从一开始就要做南亚第一,决定陆续投入11亿元。为了当第一,蔡永龙亲自督军,他仅国小毕业,但马来西亚的晋纬公司,却用了包括马来西亚、印度、越南、中国、泰国、尼泊尔、孟加拉、缅甸、菲律宾、斯里兰卡等10国员工。为突破语言限制,蔡永龙发明图解螺丝生产的标准作业流程,包括螺丝线抽线机、螺丝成型机、磨牙设备到仓库管理,所有的螺丝生产机台,都画了详细的操作步骤,让所有员工可一目了然。这套图解流程,让训练生手员工的时间,从3个月缩短为1个月。 10国员工的文化背景和生活习惯南辕北辙。印度人喜欢在宿舍房间里养鸡生蛋当早餐,越南人则喜欢抓野狗煮火锅。蔡永龙只好把宿舍分成10处,分开管理。如今,晋亿集团在越南、中国大陆的工厂都有菲律宾、马来西亚干部进驻,人才已开始国际化。 1993年,蔡永龙有了更石破天惊的举动,他决定陆续投资1亿美元到大陆设厂。当时台湾晋禾销售收入不过6亿元,这笔庞大投资一旦成功,蔡家三兄弟就可以成为世界第一,但也有极大风险,万一失败,三兄弟可能没本钱再爬起来。
一年一年搜集包括各国最大代理商当年度买卖状况,输入电脑建立资料与分析,如果搜集不到代理商资料,就直接花钱跟当地海关购买。在中国大陆,蔡永龙大胆尝试,他采购巴西、俄罗斯、南韩与当地的便宜钢材。这些钢材品质比较低劣,生产不出好的螺丝,因此一般同业不敢采购。但他不认输,为扭转颓势,他开始投资上游工厂设备,前前后后花了3年摸索与学习,直到1998年,最大、最完整的垂直整合厂──大陆晋亿厂终于完成投产,螺丝三兄弟完成全世界第一个螺丝一条龙生产线,也正式坐上全球产能第一宝座。整合了螺丝制造过程,三兄弟接着发展仓储物流和渠道。 1992年,台湾晋禾每年获利在5000万元左右,却决定花8000万元盖台湾第一个螺丝自动仓储,准备储存价值2亿元、总量8000千吨的螺丝。消息传出,同业抱着看笑话的心态来参观。自动仓储展现了三兄弟在螺丝产业的大格局。
“从我们跨出台湾开始,我们就有计划地一步步搜集世界各国螺丝市场交易现况!”蔡永泉说,建立一个国家整体螺丝进出口与使用现况的资讯库,最少要三年。一年一年搜集包括各国最大代理商当年度买卖状况,输入电脑建立资料与分析,如果搜集不到代理商资料,就直接花钱跟当地海关购买,不计代价与成本,也要取得该国在该年度到底进出口多少种类与数量的螺丝。依据这套系统,螺丝三兄弟按照兄弟分工的方式,在大陆的蔡永龙主攻美国工业用螺丝与大陆市场、东南亚的老二蔡永泉主攻欧盟、东南亚与民生工业用螺丝、台湾的老三蔡永裕主攻高价合金钢螺丝市场。所有的库存按照市场实时状况做调整,缺什么螺丝就生产什么螺丝。 “所有库存务求三个月周转一次,随时检讨周转率低的库存!”蔡永泉、蔡永裕兄弟笑着说,应该怎么堆、该做什么库存才是关键。
不仅如此,三兄弟由台湾主导研发,不停地开发新螺丝,将产品线的种类不断推高。赵义隆分析,一次式服务时代,客户在乎的不仅是报价,而是整体性的服务,服务能力越高,掌握定单的机会越大。以螺丝产业为例,8成的定单可能都是标准型产品,其余两成则会有特殊要求,能替客户解决这两成的难题,就能通吃所有的定单,这就是胜出关键。 “我们不仅替Fastenal解决定单难题,还要替它节省成本!”蔡永泉说,过去螺丝交货是一个个货柜运往洛杉矶,Fastenal收货之后再自行依不同规格与数量分装送往各大据点,现在透过晋亿的自动仓储与两万种螺丝分类,Fastenal只要告知各据点需求与数量,螺丝三兄弟的工厂就按照这些需求,直接送往美国各地,省了Fastenal自行分装的人力与物流的费用。螺丝生产毛利仅10%,但三兄弟一次式服务却能加收5%的服务费,在螺丝三兄弟手里,螺丝产业不再是制造业,完全变成另一套管理与服务模式。 (吕国祯)
糊涂注:这是一篇10年前的台湾民营经济报报导,10年后的今天,晋亿、晋纬与晋禾的货舱管理也正如3兄弟预测般的为公司带来丰厚的利润,这也让我对晋纬(Chinwel)高库存或约RM100mil完成品感到安心。还没有研究这家公司之前,我曾疑虑为何那么低调的公司竟然会有那么多基金买入它,尤其是国外的基金,而这一些都在我看了晋禾、晋亿的网站的资料后才意识到原来在大马上市的Chinwel并不简单,它竟然是全世界螺丝产量第一的一部分。当时我就想,那么多的利好,竟然只值PE 10?这也未免太不可思议了,尤其是在中国上市的姐妹公司PE已来到300的天价水平,这也是我追高这家公司的理由之一。
5)资汇分析 5007 chinwel--
a)My Critics and Doubting Thomas - Koon Yew Yin
Author: Koon Yew Yin | Publish date: Tue, 5 Jan 2016, 09:21 AM
In the stock market, with the exception of the original company founders who listed their shares, smart investors will make money and stupid ones will lose money. As money cannot come down from the sky, the smart investors’ profit must come from those losers.
As I said many a time, all investors must examine their track record to see how well they have performed. Those who have been losing money must really change their stock selection method and also their mindset.
All my critics and doubting Thomas must seriously examine their track record to see why they have not been making as much money as they would like people to think. They often criticize what I write to show that they are clever. But they must remember that there are many other smart investors who are laughing at their senseless comments. If they are so good, why don’t they write some articles with their share recommendations for readers to judge them?
As Christmas has just gone by, let me tell you the famous biblical story of Doubting Thomas. About 2015 years ago, according to the Christian Bible, Jesus had 12 apostles. Jesus was crucified on a cross, died and buried. After 3 days, he rose from the death and appeared before his 11 apostles. One of the apostles, called Thomas, who was not present, said that he would not believe unless he put his hand into the spear wound of Jesus. Subsequently Jesus appeared before Thomas and asked him to put his hand into his spear wound.
The point of this story is that after I have a proven track record of my success in share investment and my charity donations, unfortunately there are still a few doubting Thomases who continue to doubt. Can’t you see my sincerity in posting so many articles to help people to improve their investment skill?
In fact, my critics often say that when I recommend any share I want them to buy so that I can sell to make money out of them. Obviously that cannot be true because if I have sold how could their audited annual reports show that I am one of the top shareholders in companies such as VS, Latitude, Lii Hen, CanOne, Chin Well, Focus Lumber and T Guan.
If you look at their price charts, you can see that all of them have gone up a few hundred per cent within the last 2 years. I have been promoting VS for a long time and its 2015 audited annual report shows that I am among the top 5 shareholders, owning more than 100 million Vs shares. Why are my critics so stupid to sell good shares to make me so rich?
For a change, besides making money, my advice to all readers is to focus on gratitude and happiness. Gratitude is perhaps the most important key to finding success and happiness in the modern day. Knowing what we appreciate in life means knowing who we are, what matters to us and what makes each day worthwhile. Paying attention to what we feel grateful for puts us in a positive frame of mind. It connects us to the world around us and to ourselves. Research demonstrates that focusing on what we are grateful for is a universally rewarding way to feel happier and more fulfilled.
All readers must remember that our ultimate aim in life is happiness and we cannot take our money along when we die. I have written in my will that all my money and assets will be donated to charity when I die.
As I said many a time, all investors must examine their track record to see how well they have performed. Those who have been losing money must really change their stock selection method and also their mindset.
All my critics and doubting Thomas must seriously examine their track record to see why they have not been making as much money as they would like people to think. They often criticize what I write to show that they are clever. But they must remember that there are many other smart investors who are laughing at their senseless comments. If they are so good, why don’t they write some articles with their share recommendations for readers to judge them?
As Christmas has just gone by, let me tell you the famous biblical story of Doubting Thomas. About 2015 years ago, according to the Christian Bible, Jesus had 12 apostles. Jesus was crucified on a cross, died and buried. After 3 days, he rose from the death and appeared before his 11 apostles. One of the apostles, called Thomas, who was not present, said that he would not believe unless he put his hand into the spear wound of Jesus. Subsequently Jesus appeared before Thomas and asked him to put his hand into his spear wound.
The point of this story is that after I have a proven track record of my success in share investment and my charity donations, unfortunately there are still a few doubting Thomases who continue to doubt. Can’t you see my sincerity in posting so many articles to help people to improve their investment skill?
In fact, my critics often say that when I recommend any share I want them to buy so that I can sell to make money out of them. Obviously that cannot be true because if I have sold how could their audited annual reports show that I am one of the top shareholders in companies such as VS, Latitude, Lii Hen, CanOne, Chin Well, Focus Lumber and T Guan.
If you look at their price charts, you can see that all of them have gone up a few hundred per cent within the last 2 years. I have been promoting VS for a long time and its 2015 audited annual report shows that I am among the top 5 shareholders, owning more than 100 million Vs shares. Why are my critics so stupid to sell good shares to make me so rich?
For a change, besides making money, my advice to all readers is to focus on gratitude and happiness. Gratitude is perhaps the most important key to finding success and happiness in the modern day. Knowing what we appreciate in life means knowing who we are, what matters to us and what makes each day worthwhile. Paying attention to what we feel grateful for puts us in a positive frame of mind. It connects us to the world around us and to ourselves. Research demonstrates that focusing on what we are grateful for is a universally rewarding way to feel happier and more fulfilled.
All readers must remember that our ultimate aim in life is happiness and we cannot take our money along when we die. I have written in my will that all my money and assets will be donated to charity when I die.
How can investors make money in 2016? Koon Yew Yin
Author: Koon Yew Yin | Publish date: Sat, 26 Dec 2015, 09:06 AM
Many people have asked me this question. In the last 2 festive days, many people told me how I have changed their lives through my charity work and my writing on Malaysian politics and share investment.
One commentator of my recent article said that 99% of the readers like my writing and only 1% do not like. As a writer, I expect some critics and I expect them to do it in a polite manner and not like illiterates or idiots.
Here are some of holdings which still comply with my share selection golden rule even after their prices have gone up quite rapidly. My golden rule is that I must be sure that the company can make more profit this year than last year and the projected P/E ratio is not more than 10.
I advise you to check all the shares you are holding to see that they can comply with my golden rule. Otherwise, you must cut loss and utilize the proceeds to buy better shares.
Can One: It is the largest tin cans and jerry cans manufacturer. It started more than 40 years ago and continues to improve its operation. It bought 146.1 million or 32.9% of Kian Joo shares at Rm 1.65 per share in 2012. The current price of Kian Joo is about Rm 3.30 per share. EPF is one of the 2 parties who have made an offer to buy up Kian Joo. Can One is waiting patiently.
Its 3 quarter EPS ending Sept 2015 was 39 sen and I can safely project its full year EPS to be about 55 because some of its products are sold in US$. Its last closing price was Rm 4.50. It will announce its full year result before end of February 2016.
Chin Well: It is among the largest manufacturers of screws, nuts and bolts in the world. 76% of its products are exported in foreign currencies. After it has acquired the 40% shares from its Vietnamese partners, its latest quarter EPS jumped to 6.07 sen from 4.41 sen. Its last closing price was Rm 1.92 per share.
Thong Guan: It is one of the largest plastic stretch film and bags, raffia stings, drinking straws and paper serviette manufacturers in the Asians region. It started business in 1942.
Its 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarter EPS are 4.4, 6.75 and 10.7 sen respectively. It about 2 months it will have to announce its 4th quarter result. In view of the depressed fossil fuel price, its raw plastic materiel is getting cheaper. What will be its share price when its annual result is announced before end of Feb 2016?
I am also holding VS, Latitude, Lii Hen, Focus Lumber and Ge Shen because they still comply with my golden rule although their share prices have gone up quite rapidly.
I am not asking you to buy any of the shares I mentioned above. But if you buy, you are doing it at your own risk.
7)2015-12-20 19:30
One commentator of my recent article said that 99% of the readers like my writing and only 1% do not like. As a writer, I expect some critics and I expect them to do it in a polite manner and not like illiterates or idiots.
Here are some of holdings which still comply with my share selection golden rule even after their prices have gone up quite rapidly. My golden rule is that I must be sure that the company can make more profit this year than last year and the projected P/E ratio is not more than 10.
I advise you to check all the shares you are holding to see that they can comply with my golden rule. Otherwise, you must cut loss and utilize the proceeds to buy better shares.
Can One: It is the largest tin cans and jerry cans manufacturer. It started more than 40 years ago and continues to improve its operation. It bought 146.1 million or 32.9% of Kian Joo shares at Rm 1.65 per share in 2012. The current price of Kian Joo is about Rm 3.30 per share. EPF is one of the 2 parties who have made an offer to buy up Kian Joo. Can One is waiting patiently.
Its 3 quarter EPS ending Sept 2015 was 39 sen and I can safely project its full year EPS to be about 55 because some of its products are sold in US$. Its last closing price was Rm 4.50. It will announce its full year result before end of February 2016.
Chin Well: It is among the largest manufacturers of screws, nuts and bolts in the world. 76% of its products are exported in foreign currencies. After it has acquired the 40% shares from its Vietnamese partners, its latest quarter EPS jumped to 6.07 sen from 4.41 sen. Its last closing price was Rm 1.92 per share.
Thong Guan: It is one of the largest plastic stretch film and bags, raffia stings, drinking straws and paper serviette manufacturers in the Asians region. It started business in 1942.
Its 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarter EPS are 4.4, 6.75 and 10.7 sen respectively. It about 2 months it will have to announce its 4th quarter result. In view of the depressed fossil fuel price, its raw plastic materiel is getting cheaper. What will be its share price when its annual result is announced before end of Feb 2016?
I am also holding VS, Latitude, Lii Hen, Focus Lumber and Ge Shen because they still comply with my golden rule although their share prices have gone up quite rapidly.
I am not asking you to buy any of the shares I mentioned above. But if you buy, you are doing it at your own risk.
7)2015-12-20 19:30
Stock With Momentum: Chin WellThis article first appeared in The Edge Financial Daily, on December 22, 2015.
[url=]Chin Well Holdings Bhd[/url] (
Valuation: 2.00, Fundamental: 2.40) (-ve)
SHARES of Chin Well (Fundamental: 2.4/3, Valuation: 2/3) have put on an impressive performance since announcing its quarterly earnings on November 26. The stock has gained 13.6% to close at RM1.92 on Monday, with 3.5 million shares changing hands.
Meanwhile, Tsai Yung Chuan (Chin Well’s largest shareholder and managing director) upped his stake in the company to 54.2% from 52.9% on November 27. This came after Mr. Tsai acquired a block of 3.9 million shares at RM1.54 per share in an off-market trade via a private vehicle, [url=]Benua Handal Sdn Bhd[/url].
Chin Well is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of carbon steel fasteners and wire products. Europe was the company’s largest market in FYJun2015, contributing 56% of sales. This was followed by Malaysia (22%), with the balance from Vietnam and other countries.
The stock currently trades at a trailing P/E ratio of 11.5 times and 1.2 times book.

[url=]Chin Well Holdings Bhd[/url] (

SHARES of Chin Well (Fundamental: 2.4/3, Valuation: 2/3) have put on an impressive performance since announcing its quarterly earnings on November 26. The stock has gained 13.6% to close at RM1.92 on Monday, with 3.5 million shares changing hands.
Meanwhile, Tsai Yung Chuan (Chin Well’s largest shareholder and managing director) upped his stake in the company to 54.2% from 52.9% on November 27. This came after Mr. Tsai acquired a block of 3.9 million shares at RM1.54 per share in an off-market trade via a private vehicle, [url=]Benua Handal Sdn Bhd[/url].
Chin Well is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of carbon steel fasteners and wire products. Europe was the company’s largest market in FYJun2015, contributing 56% of sales. This was followed by Malaysia (22%), with the balance from Vietnam and other countries.
The stock currently trades at a trailing P/E ratio of 11.5 times and 1.2 times book.


Chin Well Holding Berhad (Recession Proof Exporter)
Chin Well Holdings Berhad (CWHB) is a Malaysia-based investment holding company. The Company, through its subsidiaries operates in three segments: fastening products, which include the manufacturing and trading of screws, nuts, bolts and other fastening products; wire products, which include the manufacturing of precision galvanized wire, annealing wire, hard drawn wire, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) wire, bent round bar and BRC wire mesh, and investment holding.


Excluding Malaysia & Vietnam (main factory) which business is dominated in local currency (MYR, VND), Chin Well remaining 74.8% business is export, which is mainly dominated in Euro & USD. A recent appreciation in EURO and USD contributes a positive impact on the company in term of profit margin. While on the other hand, most of their costs are source locally, which promises a better earning prospect for FY16.





Key Ratio and Statistics
· Total Asset RM571.5 million, Total Liabilities RM123.5 million, Total Equities RM448 million
· Cash Per-Share RM0.19
· Zero gearing/ Net cash, note that Chin Well finally turn into a net cash company in FY15 (note that, the company make an effort to reduce company gearing yearly)
· Book Value Per-share RM1.58, Price to book value 0.90 times, which is very low (based on current price 1.42)
· Reserves which is qualified for 1 for 1 bonus issue
· Price to earning 10.3 times (based on current price 1.42)
· Debt to Equity ratio 0.27x
· Return on Equity 9.3x
· Dividend Pay-out policy 40%

Chin Well (Completing they cycle of European recovery)
Chin Well business possesses its own defensive unique. In almost every major sector in the economy (automotive, construction, property development, furniture, oil & gas, technology) consumes Chin Well products. Based on the revenue breakdown above, we can see more than 56% of Chin Well products are exported to the European countries. While the extension of EU anti-dumping duty to the china fastener manufacturer for 5 years (March2015- March2020), grant Chin Well a big favor in term of business market share, as it is one of the eight companies in Malaysia that is exempted from this regulations.
The recent drop in the steel price furthermore boosts the company profit margin, as the raw material is accounted for 70% of its production cost. ECB Quantitative Easing, continues to spur European economic growth, and it is deems a great opportunity for the company to position itself for a greater and a better FY16 prospects.
As according to the Executive Director Tsai Chia Ling, GST effect does them a favor as they could save up 4% of the tax rate as their current sales tax is at 10%. Other than that, according to her, Chin Well Vietnam plant operates at 90% capacity while Malaysia plant 50% capacity, which literally gives them an opportunity to cater their customer upcoming demand.
Chinwel, is a lagging exporter company yet to be discovered, Net cash with good dividend yield and amazing future prospect.
Chin Well Holding Berhad (Recession Proof Exporter)
Author: Keithson Neoh | Publish date: Mon, 28 Sep 2015, 02:51 PM

Chin Well Holding Berhad (Recession Proof Exporter)
Chin Well Holdings Berhad (CWHB) is a Malaysia-based investment holding company. The Company, through its subsidiaries operates in three segments: fastening products, which include the manufacturing and trading of screws, nuts, bolts and other fastening products; wire products, which include the manufacturing of precision galvanized wire, annealing wire, hard drawn wire, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) wire, bent round bar and BRC wire mesh, and investment holding.


Excluding Malaysia & Vietnam (main factory) which business is dominated in local currency (MYR, VND), Chin Well remaining 74.8% business is export, which is mainly dominated in Euro & USD. A recent appreciation in EURO and USD contributes a positive impact on the company in term of profit margin. While on the other hand, most of their costs are source locally, which promises a better earning prospect for FY16.





Key Statistic (Millions) |
Cash and Equivalent |
Total Asset |
Total Liabilities |
Borrowings |
Shareholders Fund |
Book Value Per share |
Net Cash |
Cash Per share |
Total share outstanding |
Key Ratio and Statistics
· Total Asset RM571.5 million, Total Liabilities RM123.5 million, Total Equities RM448 million
· Cash Per-Share RM0.19
· Zero gearing/ Net cash, note that Chin Well finally turn into a net cash company in FY15 (note that, the company make an effort to reduce company gearing yearly)
· Book Value Per-share RM1.58, Price to book value 0.90 times, which is very low (based on current price 1.42)
· Reserves which is qualified for 1 for 1 bonus issue
· Price to earning 10.3 times (based on current price 1.42)
· Debt to Equity ratio 0.27x
· Return on Equity 9.3x
· Dividend Pay-out policy 40%

Chin Well (Completing they cycle of European recovery)
Chin Well business possesses its own defensive unique. In almost every major sector in the economy (automotive, construction, property development, furniture, oil & gas, technology) consumes Chin Well products. Based on the revenue breakdown above, we can see more than 56% of Chin Well products are exported to the European countries. While the extension of EU anti-dumping duty to the china fastener manufacturer for 5 years (March2015- March2020), grant Chin Well a big favor in term of business market share, as it is one of the eight companies in Malaysia that is exempted from this regulations.
The recent drop in the steel price furthermore boosts the company profit margin, as the raw material is accounted for 70% of its production cost. ECB Quantitative Easing, continues to spur European economic growth, and it is deems a great opportunity for the company to position itself for a greater and a better FY16 prospects.
As according to the Executive Director Tsai Chia Ling, GST effect does them a favor as they could save up 4% of the tax rate as their current sales tax is at 10%. Other than that, according to her, Chin Well Vietnam plant operates at 90% capacity while Malaysia plant 50% capacity, which literally gives them an opportunity to cater their customer upcoming demand.
Chinwel, is a lagging exporter company yet to be discovered, Net cash with good dividend yield and amazing future prospect.
Deep value in fastener sector: Chinwel & Tongher
Author: angiegoh | Publish date: Sat, 24 Oct 2015, 12:00 AM
To me, personally, I acquire new knowledge through stock investment almost everyday.
It is fortunate to have helpful forum members like JTYeo, Noby and KcChong.
Now we are on the same page.
Fastener sector
Fasterners are a hardware device that mechanically joins objects together.
They are used in industry, commerce, and household. Therefore, there is sustainable demand for fasterners.
Raw materials for fasteners include stainless steel, aluminium, and copper. Prices of these raw materials have been declining, and touched a base of five-year low.
Most Malaysian made fasterners are exported to the West. Local fastener companies should benefit from RM depreciation.
There is a good chance that Chinwel and/or Tongher offer a deep value investing idea.

Stock performance of companies
It seems like investors have, so far, disagreed with the prospect of both fastener companies.

Financial statements and simple anlyses
It is noted that Tongher's net profit in the latest quarter was affected by the negative earnings of its associate.
Theoretically, companies should not consolidate the share of results (profit/loss) of associates (with only 30% shareholding) in their incme statement. However, many companies do so and 'wash' their net profit.
Consequently, the reported net profit does not reflect the operating profit of a particular company.
We, in deep value investing, focus on the cleanest operating profit (EBIT) that derived purely from the company's operating business.
Note: 6-month cash flow is used here.
Investors are concerned about their USD denominated borrowings. Their ability to meet the obligation is, of course, backed up by their healthy financial position and on-going free cash flow.
For Chinwel, its USD currency loans were reduced from USD73.138 mil (as at 30 June 14) to USD53.011 mil (as at 30 June 2015).
For Tongher, its USD currency loans were parred down from USD48.30 mil (as at 30 June 14) to USD40.98 mil (as at 30 June 2015).
In addtion, these two companies have used forward exhange contracts to protect them from fluctuations in currency pries. As stipulated in the contracts, Chinwel and Tongher agree to buy or sell a certain amount of foreign currency on a specific future date.

Simple valuation
At first, based on PE ratios, Tongher seems to be more expensive in transacton for lower ROE.
Nevertheless, Price-Book Value ratios suggest otherwise.
The contradiction prompts us to compare the two companies on a standard basis without being affected by their capital structures.

Deep valuation
Now it is clearer.
Tongher's invested capital is smaller, and it is more efficient in employing its invested capital to generate ROIC 13%.
Most importantly, Tongher remains cheap. It is trading at Acquirer's Multiple 3.72 or Earnings Yield 27%.
Its 'cheapness' is reinforced by the inverse of free cash flow yield: Tongher is now selling, at a steep discount, of approximately 50% of Chinwel's valuation. The estimate (4.32) also suggests that Tongher can pay back our cost of acquisition or generate cash to reinvest in its business at a significant faster pace than Chinwel.
All these evidences perhaps explain why Tongher bought back 750,300 units of its stock in the open market from 1 Sept to 7 Oct 2015.

12)darvinmk 网友的分享--(谢谢他的功课)
全马最大的碳钢螺丝 (carbon steel fastener)生产商
1. 开始计入越南厂房100%的贡献(原先为60%),视为长期利好。
2. 欧洲刚延长对中国反倾销制裁5年
3. 年初马来西亚产房因外劳申请成功有望提高产能,之前槟城产房使用率为大约46%-47%
4. 赚幅相对高的防剪篱笆年初开始贡献盈利
5. 管理层为台湾人,母公司晉億集团或晉禾http://www.jinnher.com.tw/about_29.html在台湾为数一数二的螺丝界龙头,是务实的商人
6. div policy为40%,div yield换算到来未来将超过3.5%
7. GST实施以后没多久公司就已经表示订单提高六倍。
8. DIY市场赚幅较高,贡献在增长中,而且由刚全面收购的越南产房生产
9. 最新的财报出现了不少机构投资者大略计算从4家增加到8家,其中包括bank negara trust fund
credit suisse从1,125,000(0.41%)加码到4,027,600(1.48%),可谓基本面强稳
10. 目前PE 为大约11,似乎未反应未来的潜能
我用了蛋散叔推荐的fcfe formula来计算10年cash flow。
基于尚未计入未来增长的潜力和目前净现金 RM 7,036,000 的健康水平
It is fortunate to have helpful forum members like JTYeo, Noby and KcChong.
Now we are on the same page.
Fastener sector
Fasterners are a hardware device that mechanically joins objects together.
They are used in industry, commerce, and household. Therefore, there is sustainable demand for fasterners.
Raw materials for fasteners include stainless steel, aluminium, and copper. Prices of these raw materials have been declining, and touched a base of five-year low.
Most Malaysian made fasterners are exported to the West. Local fastener companies should benefit from RM depreciation.
There is a good chance that Chinwel and/or Tongher offer a deep value investing idea.

Stock performance of companies
It seems like investors have, so far, disagreed with the prospect of both fastener companies.

Financial statements and simple anlyses
It is noted that Tongher's net profit in the latest quarter was affected by the negative earnings of its associate.
Theoretically, companies should not consolidate the share of results (profit/loss) of associates (with only 30% shareholding) in their incme statement. However, many companies do so and 'wash' their net profit.
Consequently, the reported net profit does not reflect the operating profit of a particular company.
We, in deep value investing, focus on the cleanest operating profit (EBIT) that derived purely from the company's operating business.

Investors are concerned about their USD denominated borrowings. Their ability to meet the obligation is, of course, backed up by their healthy financial position and on-going free cash flow.
For Chinwel, its USD currency loans were reduced from USD73.138 mil (as at 30 June 14) to USD53.011 mil (as at 30 June 2015).
For Tongher, its USD currency loans were parred down from USD48.30 mil (as at 30 June 14) to USD40.98 mil (as at 30 June 2015).
In addtion, these two companies have used forward exhange contracts to protect them from fluctuations in currency pries. As stipulated in the contracts, Chinwel and Tongher agree to buy or sell a certain amount of foreign currency on a specific future date.

Simple valuation
At first, based on PE ratios, Tongher seems to be more expensive in transacton for lower ROE.
Nevertheless, Price-Book Value ratios suggest otherwise.
The contradiction prompts us to compare the two companies on a standard basis without being affected by their capital structures.

Deep valuation
Now it is clearer.
Tongher's invested capital is smaller, and it is more efficient in employing its invested capital to generate ROIC 13%.
Most importantly, Tongher remains cheap. It is trading at Acquirer's Multiple 3.72 or Earnings Yield 27%.
Its 'cheapness' is reinforced by the inverse of free cash flow yield: Tongher is now selling, at a steep discount, of approximately 50% of Chinwel's valuation. The estimate (4.32) also suggests that Tongher can pay back our cost of acquisition or generate cash to reinvest in its business at a significant faster pace than Chinwel.
All these evidences perhaps explain why Tongher bought back 750,300 units of its stock in the open market from 1 Sept to 7 Oct 2015.

PublicInvest Research Headlines - 28 Sep 2015
Chin Well: Sees rising domestic demand for its fasteners. Chin Well Holdings sees domestic demand for its construction grade fasteners growing as a result of the weakened ringgit. Group ED Tsai Chia-Ling said the hardware wholesalers in the country used to order from China. “But with the weakened ringgit, it has become more expensive for them to order from overseas. They have turned to us for their supplies.” (StarBiz)
12)darvinmk 网友的分享--(谢谢他的功课)
全马最大的碳钢螺丝 (carbon steel fastener)生产商
1. 开始计入越南厂房100%的贡献(原先为60%),视为长期利好。
2. 欧洲刚延长对中国反倾销制裁5年
3. 年初马来西亚产房因外劳申请成功有望提高产能,之前槟城产房使用率为大约46%-47%
4. 赚幅相对高的防剪篱笆年初开始贡献盈利
5. 管理层为台湾人,母公司晉億集团或晉禾http://www.jinnher.com.tw/about_29.html在台湾为数一数二的螺丝界龙头,是务实的商人
6. div policy为40%,div yield换算到来未来将超过3.5%
7. GST实施以后没多久公司就已经表示订单提高六倍。
8. DIY市场赚幅较高,贡献在增长中,而且由刚全面收购的越南产房生产
9. 最新的财报出现了不少机构投资者大略计算从4家增加到8家,其中包括bank negara trust fund
credit suisse从1,125,000(0.41%)加码到4,027,600(1.48%),可谓基本面强稳
10. 目前PE 为大约11,似乎未反应未来的潜能
我用了蛋散叔推荐的fcfe formula来计算10年cash flow。
基于尚未计入未来增长的潜力和目前净现金 RM 7,036,000 的健康水平
(Icon8888) Chin Well (Part 2) - Other People's Indifference Could Be Our Opportunity
Executive Summary
On 5 November 2014, the company announced the acquisition of the remaining 40% of its Vietnam subsidiary through issuance of 27 mil new shares (at RM1.45) and RM8 mil cash. The acquisition was completed on 31 December 2014.
The acquisition will enhance Chin Well's EPS immediately. This is because Chin Well issued new shares at PER of 11.5 times to acquire the remaining 40% at PER of 5.5 times. The Vietnam subsidiary reported net profit of RM21 mil in latest financial year.
On top of that, Chin Well exports the bulk of its products. As such, it should benefit from the strong US Dollars.

(Chin Well share price)
1. Background Information
Chin Well is principally involved in the manufacturing and trading of the following :-
(a) fasterners (essentially screws, bolts and nuts); and

(b) security fence & gabions
(Security fence)

The company has market cap of RM450 mil (based on 300 mil shares and RM1.50 share price).
Based on past 12 months adjusted net profit of RM44 mil (after factoring in effect of acquisition, being RM35.6 mil + RM21 mil x 0.4 = RM35.6 mil + RM8.4 mil), historical PER is approximately 10 times.
The group has strong balance sheets. With net assets of RM383 mil, loans of RM80 mil and cash of RM65 mil, net gearing is 4% only.
The company paid out dividend of 4.83 sen per share over past twelve months. Dividend yield works out to be approximately 3.2%.
2. Export Oriented
FY2014 revenue based on geographical location of customers is as follows :-
As can be seen from table above, approximately 24% of products are sold domestically while the remaining 76% are exported.
3. Major Shareholder Increased Shareholdings Recently
On 19 September 2014, the Tsai family acquired additional 22 mil shares via an off market transaction, thereby increased its shareholding from 51% to 58%.
4. Concluding Remarks
I first wrote about Chin Well in July 2014. Kindly refer to that article to better understand the group's operation and the various factors that affect its profitability.
The purpose of me writing Part 2 is to provide an update of the Group in view of its recent acquisition. In my opinion, it was a transaction that should have material positive impact on the group's earnings.
One thing that also attracted me to take a re-look is because the group exports the bulk of its products. The recent weakening of Ringgit should benefit the group either through margin expansion or increase in volume (due to pricing competitiveness).
A word of caution though - there is no information in quarterly / annual reports regarding what currency the group's sale is denominated in. The US Dollar has strengthened against the Ringgit recently, but Euro is in quite a mess. So please do your own homework before jumping in (of course, if you bump into any relevant information, please feel free to share it with all of us. Thanks in advance).
Have a nice day.
Author: Icon8888 | Publish date: Tue, 13 Jan 13:09
Executive Summary
On 5 November 2014, the company announced the acquisition of the remaining 40% of its Vietnam subsidiary through issuance of 27 mil new shares (at RM1.45) and RM8 mil cash. The acquisition was completed on 31 December 2014.
The acquisition will enhance Chin Well's EPS immediately. This is because Chin Well issued new shares at PER of 11.5 times to acquire the remaining 40% at PER of 5.5 times. The Vietnam subsidiary reported net profit of RM21 mil in latest financial year.
On top of that, Chin Well exports the bulk of its products. As such, it should benefit from the strong US Dollars.

(Chin Well share price)
1. Background Information
Chin Well is principally involved in the manufacturing and trading of the following :-
(a) fasterners (essentially screws, bolts and nuts); and

(b) security fence & gabions

(Security fence)

The company has market cap of RM450 mil (based on 300 mil shares and RM1.50 share price).
Based on past 12 months adjusted net profit of RM44 mil (after factoring in effect of acquisition, being RM35.6 mil + RM21 mil x 0.4 = RM35.6 mil + RM8.4 mil), historical PER is approximately 10 times.
The group has strong balance sheets. With net assets of RM383 mil, loans of RM80 mil and cash of RM65 mil, net gearing is 4% only.
The company paid out dividend of 4.83 sen per share over past twelve months. Dividend yield works out to be approximately 3.2%.
2. Export Oriented
FY2014 revenue based on geographical location of customers is as follows :-
As can be seen from table above, approximately 24% of products are sold domestically while the remaining 76% are exported.
3. Major Shareholder Increased Shareholdings Recently
On 19 September 2014, the Tsai family acquired additional 22 mil shares via an off market transaction, thereby increased its shareholding from 51% to 58%.
4. Concluding Remarks
I first wrote about Chin Well in July 2014. Kindly refer to that article to better understand the group's operation and the various factors that affect its profitability.
The purpose of me writing Part 2 is to provide an update of the Group in view of its recent acquisition. In my opinion, it was a transaction that should have material positive impact on the group's earnings.
One thing that also attracted me to take a re-look is because the group exports the bulk of its products. The recent weakening of Ringgit should benefit the group either through margin expansion or increase in volume (due to pricing competitiveness).
A word of caution though - there is no information in quarterly / annual reports regarding what currency the group's sale is denominated in. The US Dollar has strengthened against the Ringgit recently, but Euro is in quite a mess. So please do your own homework before jumping in (of course, if you bump into any relevant information, please feel free to share it with all of us. Thanks in advance).
Have a nice day.