网友之分享--When I first wrote abt teoseng I said very firmly $2 by September and $3.50 by CNY cum all entitlement! Not if or what. Why? Please refer back what I said. Today deal done with all listed and unlisted companies in LH group with a private equity Affinity. Their position in Teoseng is affirmed at $2. When a private equity buy at 2, later all the subsequent announcement will lead it to higher and higher. By the time CNY cum 3.5. Don't ask me why this or that, wait for the announcement by the owner. Only two exposure to LH group that are still listed ; Malindo in Indo and Teoseng in Mal. Before the relisting of LH group, fund mangers who like the reorganization of the NEW Leong Hup with Affinity private equity will buy into teoseng and Malindo for exposure. If QL can be PE 25, I wonder the reorganized of New Leong Hup will be price at what PE? Go check out who is Affinity.
09/09/2014 22:06
affinity manages over USD7 billion of fund and asset