--Oceancash Pacific Bhd是树脂毡和无纺布产品的制造商。 该公司通过三个业务部门运营,包括绝缘,卫生和投资控股。 绝缘部门从事绝缘产品的制造和分销。 其卫生部门从事卫生产品的生产和贸易。 投资控股分部包括投资控股和提供管理服务。 该公司的地理区域包括马来西亚,印度尼西亚,日本和泰国。
--联昌研究指出,元宙泰国主要涉足贸易隔热及隔音树脂化毡(resinated felts),以应付泰国日益增长的市场需求,特别是汽车及空调泠气机领域的需求。综合估值目标价为66仙。该行看好其具抗跌性质的业务、旗下卫生及树脂毡产品的需求强劲,特别是在新兴市场。该行也提醒其潜在下行风险,包括原料价格突然大涨、印尼/大马/泰国的汽车销售下跌等。
Profit margin%:6.5
Net cash:2.35mil
Tp:Rm 0.60
Er Kong seng:
💪🌈ocncash 技术点评:
Macd 己拉开,双牛🐂🐂走势,这仑武汉疫情是否拉升口罩须求,国产车销量增也拉高汽车毛毡的供应,短期破52周的Rm0.525后,下个阻力61仙。71仙,76仙
Oceancash Pacific Bhd
维持买入评级,目标价(TP)为61仙:在最近与管理层会面之后,我们对Oceancash Pacific Bhd(OCP)的业务前景持乐观态度。考虑到以下因素,我们继续喜欢OCP:i)非织造卫生领域的良好增长前景; ii)来自泰国和印度尼西亚的外国毛毡销售的稳定贡献;以及iii)拥有深厚技术知识的强大管理团队。在2020财年预计每股收益(EPS)增长33%的背景下,以2020财年预计(FY20E)的市盈率(PER)的10倍,OCP的估值似乎很有吸引力。我们重申“买入”评级,目标价不变为61仙。
尽管毛毡销售额增加(同比增长6%,同比增长),但绝缘材料部门的利润在19财年的9个月(9MFY19)基本持平,因为这很大程度上被税前利润(PBT)利润率下降所抵销(- 19财年上半年[1HFY19]的不利的外汇变动加剧了1个百分点[pps]至18.7%。从前景上看,我们认为泰国和印度尼西亚(外国毛毡销售约占19财年9月份隔热产品收入的61%)的贡献不断增加,足以弥补当地毛毡销售的预期短缺(估计2020年保险胶水总预测较低)增长5%至590,000个单位)。
在其他地方,泰国的毛毡生产设施的建设仍有望在2HFY20之前完成,OCP计划搬迁其现有的两条马来西亚生产线之一,以挖掘对树脂毛毡的强劲需求并提高过剩产能的利用率(当前利用率)。率:估计为50%)。在本地,我们了解到OCP一直在为Proton更新的模型(Saga,Iriz和Persona)供应毡,并且凭借这一良好的业绩记录,该公司希望能够参与到Proton完全淘汰的CKD X50供应链中来。我们认为,OCP可能会因定价不利而错过CKD X70合同,这与我们对其他汽车零部件生产商的观察类似。
卫生事业部的前景仍然看好-19财年9季度的PBT同比增长10%至250万令吉,这是由于收入增加(同比+ 1%)和PBT利润率提高(+ 0.5ppt至6.1%)。我们认为,较便宜的树脂成本(估计是卫生原材料成本的80%)在未来几个季度中,卫生利润率可能会上升。
基于我们维持20财年每股收益14倍的目标市盈率,我们将目标价维持在61仙,因为我们维持盈利预测不变并重申“买入”评级。以20倍的20财年市盈率计算,该股目前的市盈率较其三年历史平均预期市盈率低16倍,与非织造卫生产品(平均18倍)和汽车部件(平均)的同行相比处于折价状态12次)细分。我们电话的下行风险包括主要客户的流失,汽车销售放缓,竞争加剧以及整体需求疲软。 — 1月
3日,Affin Hwang Capital
OCNCASH (0049) – Plenty of fishes in the Ocean
Author: Grandmustah Publish date: Sun, 22 Dec 2019, 6:42 PM
OCNCASH (0049) – Plenty of fishes in the Ocean
Syariah: Yes
Market Listing: Main
Current Price: 0.44
Target Price: 0.61 (Affin Hwang Research report 28/11/2019)
Company Background
Oceancash Pacific Bhd is the manufacturer of resinated felt and non-woven products. The company operates through three business segments which include Insulation, Hygiene and Investment holding. The Insulation segment is engaged in the manufacturing and distribution of insulation products. Its Hygiene segment is involved in the manufacturing and trading of hygiene products. The Investment holding segments consist of investment holding and provision of management services. The company's geographical operations are in Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, and Thailand among others. It generates a vast majority of income from the Hygiene segment within Malaysia.
Reasons to look at OCNCASH
1. Ocncash is the supplier of felt materials to local car manufacturers (Proton & Perodua).
Source: Email from the management
2. Local car manufacturers are going aggressive recently in terms of their strategies to boost up the number of their car sales:
Perusahaan Otomobil Kedua Sdn Bhd’s (Perodua) more aggressive production and sales plan is expected to benefit OCNCASH as they are one of major supplier of felt materials to Perodua.
Perodua, which registered record sales of 227,243 units last year, is expecting to surpass that this year, with a target of 235,000 units, 4,000 units or 1.73% more than its original target of 231,000 at the start of the year. The more ambitious target was set after the group saw strong demand for its vehicles in the first half of this year, when it sold 121,800 units — 4% more than the 117,100 units recorded in the same period the prior year.
Source: https://www.theedgemarkets.com/article/more-aggressive-perodua-benefit-mbm-resources-umw
2. Proton is expected to release their CKD Proton X70 model beginning of 2020 so this will definitely benefit OCNCASH.
Source: https://paultan.org/2019/12/13/2020-proton-x70-ckd-rolls-out-of-tanjung-malim-plant-launch-soon-right-hand-drive-exports-planned/
3. OCNCASH also will likely to continue to get strong orders from Proton as they will be launching their Proton X50 model in October 2020.
Source: https://www.carsifu.my/news/proton-x50-coming-in-oct-2020-ckd-x70-to-be-cheaper-says-aminvestment
Future Projection for OCNCASH
1. Heading into the last quarter Oceancash’s sales traction for both its business segments is expected to sustain and consequently post a robust yoy earnings recovery from 4Q18’s disappointing performance.
2. Oceancash is likened for its hygiene segment’s growth prospects, while expecting steady demand for felts from the automotive industry to anchor its insulation segment’s performance.
Source: Affin Hwang Research Report dated 28/11/2019
3. Barring unforeseen circumstances, the Directors anticipate the Group’s performance for the financial year 2019 to be better than the financial year 2018.
Source: Prospect section Q32019 Explanatory notes
Technical Analysis

OCNCASH volume increased on 20/12/2019 indicating that there were some buying interest.
Candlestick pattern looks strong with good surge in volume expecting share price to do a breakout at 0.45 in which we will see the next level of direction at 0.49 for short/midterm. Long term prospect we aim for 0.61.
Technical Indicators
1. RSI – Buy
2. MACD - Buy (Oversold Cross)
3. Stochastic – Buy
武汉肺炎扩散,但是又错过了手套股?‼️Syariah: Yes
Market Listing: Main
Current Price: 0.44
Target Price: 0.61 (Affin Hwang Research report 28/11/2019)
Company Background
Oceancash Pacific Bhd is the manufacturer of resinated felt and non-woven products. The company operates through three business segments which include Insulation, Hygiene and Investment holding. The Insulation segment is engaged in the manufacturing and distribution of insulation products. Its Hygiene segment is involved in the manufacturing and trading of hygiene products. The Investment holding segments consist of investment holding and provision of management services. The company's geographical operations are in Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, and Thailand among others. It generates a vast majority of income from the Hygiene segment within Malaysia.
Reasons to look at OCNCASH
1. Ocncash is the supplier of felt materials to local car manufacturers (Proton & Perodua).
Source: Email from the management
2. Local car manufacturers are going aggressive recently in terms of their strategies to boost up the number of their car sales:
Perusahaan Otomobil Kedua Sdn Bhd’s (Perodua) more aggressive production and sales plan is expected to benefit OCNCASH as they are one of major supplier of felt materials to Perodua.
Perodua, which registered record sales of 227,243 units last year, is expecting to surpass that this year, with a target of 235,000 units, 4,000 units or 1.73% more than its original target of 231,000 at the start of the year. The more ambitious target was set after the group saw strong demand for its vehicles in the first half of this year, when it sold 121,800 units — 4% more than the 117,100 units recorded in the same period the prior year.
Source: https://www.theedgemarkets.com/article/more-aggressive-perodua-benefit-mbm-resources-umw
- The group has guided that the new 2019 Persona and Iriz have received a total of 13,000 and 3,500 bookings respectively, a jump of 108% and 180% from their 2018 pre-facelift models.
2. Proton is expected to release their CKD Proton X70 model beginning of 2020 so this will definitely benefit OCNCASH.
Source: https://paultan.org/2019/12/13/2020-proton-x70-ckd-rolls-out-of-tanjung-malim-plant-launch-soon-right-hand-drive-exports-planned/
3. OCNCASH also will likely to continue to get strong orders from Proton as they will be launching their Proton X50 model in October 2020.
Source: https://www.carsifu.my/news/proton-x50-coming-in-oct-2020-ckd-x70-to-be-cheaper-says-aminvestment
Future Projection for OCNCASH
1. Heading into the last quarter Oceancash’s sales traction for both its business segments is expected to sustain and consequently post a robust yoy earnings recovery from 4Q18’s disappointing performance.
2. Oceancash is likened for its hygiene segment’s growth prospects, while expecting steady demand for felts from the automotive industry to anchor its insulation segment’s performance.
Source: Affin Hwang Research Report dated 28/11/2019
3. Barring unforeseen circumstances, the Directors anticipate the Group’s performance for the financial year 2019 to be better than the financial year 2018.
Source: Prospect section Q32019 Explanatory notes
Technical Analysis

OCNCASH volume increased on 20/12/2019 indicating that there were some buying interest.
Candlestick pattern looks strong with good surge in volume expecting share price to do a breakout at 0.45 in which we will see the next level of direction at 0.49 for short/midterm. Long term prospect we aim for 0.61.
Technical Indicators
1. RSI – Buy
2. MACD - Buy (Oversold Cross)
3. Stochastic – Buy
这几天各大新闻都报道着中国武汉引发的新冠形病毒加剧,使手套股纷纷飙升,但由于目前病疫才刚爆发不久,手套股的需求还未明显增加,所以还是属于主题性炒作罢了。除非疫情蔓延到全球并迟迟未能解决(当然不希望它发生),那么就另当别论。要知道2003年的SARS 和 2009年的禽流感发生时,全球手套需求激增了12-16%。
通常这类型的病毒疫情发生时,大家通常都会想到手套股和医疗股,但是大家有没有发现病毒发生时口罩的需求也会增加。其实大马是有一家公司是有制造口罩的,这家公司就叫做 【OCNCASH】。
OCNCASH 的业务主要分为两种
根据最新的季度报告,卫生用品的营业额大约占了公司总营业额的60%以上,由于resin 占了公司卫生用品的成本大约80%,所以近期的resin价格下滑料将使公司卫生用品部门的赚幅提升。此外,公司的主要客户是亚洲其中一家最大的卫生用品生产公司,所以如果武汉流感真的蔓延,估计该公司的订单也有望增加。
另外,OCNCASH 也是本地国产车 — Perodua 和 Proton 的汽车毛毡供应商。近期政府也宣布本地组装(CKD)外国车税务将提高,如果厂家将成本转嫁给消费者,那么外国汽车售价预计调涨,这将使国产车受惠。加上管理层也多次在季度报告明示今年业绩将比去年好,相信大家也知道该怎么做了吧😏
从技术图表看来,股价在昨天有少许发动迹象,可能是有人也发现这家公司了😏但是,投资者要注意的是,由于这家公司的几个大股东手持将近70%的票,所以照成该股的流通率相当低。如果想买入的投资者要有心理准备,这只股可能要有一点holding power。(我个人是不太喜欢这类型的股啦,不过有兴趣的投资者可以参考)