势如破竹,现在1.24为支持价,1.29为阻力。中期阻力为1.40 ,1.50,1.67
lionind 4235 :
期货也回升了 4347rmb
c)浅谈4235 金狮工业 lionind Q3 2017 的业积:
A)公司于31-3-2017 的库存有4.69亿零吉,与31-12-2016 上一季增加了8千万.
應收款为4.61亿,与31-12-2016 上一季增加了2千万.
長短期借贷为2.4亿,与31-12-2016 上一季減少了1千7万.
累计净利有4.37亿,与31-12-2016 上一季增加了4千9百万,
nta=rm2.51,与31-12-2016 上一季增加了9仙,
公司Q3 2017的赚副为6.45%,31-12-2016 上一季Q2 的赚副为8.6%,
B)lionind Q3 2017 赚4876万,EPS=7.16 SEN,三个季度累计EPS=14.64SEN,
估计全年EPS=20 SEN 可达标.PE=10,股价=RM2
投资路上选择对就简单了,坐享其成。 我相信是的,金狮工业仍然在物有所值内交易,
现lionind rm1.20只在6倍的本益比(pe)交易,明显被低估了.
d)Posted by Ramada > Aug 20, 2018 07:44 AM | Report Abuse
Automotive industry needs a lot of steel, especially cold rolled coil. Megasteel can produce 3.2 million tonnes HRC and 700,000 tonnes CRC a year.
In fact, Megasteel can produce up to 1.45 million tonnes of CRC per year if it runs at full capacity vs CSC Steel’s 620,000 tonnes and Mycron’s 260,000 tonnes.
Market capital of Lionind is about RM850 million. They will acquire Megasteel asset for RM537 million. Currently Lionind’s net tangible assets as high as RM2.69, after it added Megasteel asset to the group, its net tangible assets should be increased sufficiently. I guess mininum RM3.50.
Lionind current share price is RM1.20. You think it’s overvalued or undervalued, all is up to you.
为何狮子产业股价持续走高? Koon Yew Yin 作者:Koon Yew Yin发布日期:星期五,2018年8月17日,09:03 AM 我在土木工程课程中学习的课程之一是冶金学,即制造金属的研究,包括铁,钢,铜和其他金属。 中国已经生产了世界钢铁总产量的50%以上,中国是最大的钢铁出口国。 中国从澳大利亚购买铁矿石,从印尼购买煤炭。通过燃烧煤可以将铁矿石变成铁。通过添加碳,铁可以变成钢。在铁中加入碳,使钢更坚固,更坚韧,达到一定程度。然后它会变得更强,但不那么坚韧,就像铸铁一样坚硬而脆。这意味着如果弯曲它会破裂。碳通过扭曲其晶格来强化铁。 你可以通过回火使钢更坚固。如果你将一块钢加热并将其深入水中,它就会变得更坚固。如果你将一块钢加热并将其深入油中,它会变得更坚固,更坚韧。 在燃烧煤的过程中,大量产生大量二氧化碳和其他杂质。结果,北京,上海和其他城市的天空总是黑暗,空气总是被污染。 由于几乎所有的钢铁厂都是国有的,政府已经终止了大部分钢铁厂。 目前,中国使用废铁和进口铁长棍面包制造自用钢。中国不再出口钢铁。 马来西亚过去从中国进口钢材并保护当地钢铁制造商,政府征收进口关税。 这就是为什么Lion Industry在过去几个季度一直在增加利润的原因。其第一季度EPS 4.08仙,第二季度EPS 8.20仙和第三季结束2018年3月EPS 8.91仙。 3个季度的总EPS为21.19仙。假设其4小时Q与其第3个Q相同,则全年的总EPS将约为30仙。 基于1.25的最后交易股价,其市盈率约为4.应该被认为非常便宜,特别是它具有非常好的利润增长前景,这是遵循我的选择黄金法则。我预计它的第四个Q将比第三个Q好。 上图显示价格从63仙上涨至1.23瑞士法郎,上涨60仙,在不到2个月内上涨近100%。 我的很多朋友都问过我们是卖还是继续购买。 我的销售规则是,一旦我看到公司的利润减少,我就会开始出售。这就是如何最大化利润。 我的很多朋友也问我,如果他们早些时候卖掉,他们是否应该以更高的价格回购。当然,许多股东会出售太早而后悔。一些聪明的人敢于承认他们的错误并以更高的价格回购。鉴于其良好的利润增长,如果您已经售出,您应该回购。 我的很多朋友都问他们是否有更多的购买设施,他们是否冒风险购买更多。 这个问题对我来说有点棘手。这真的取决于你的风险偏好。你能负担得起一些钱吗?或者你是否愿意冒险赚取更少的钱,以防价格下跌而不是走高。 我有义务告诉您狮子产业是我的主要投资之一。我发布这是为了分享我的知识,我不鼓励读者购买或出售这个柜台。

势如破竹,现在1.24为支持价,1.29为阻力。中期阻力为1.40 ,1.50,1.67
lionind 4235 :
期货也回升了 4347rmb
c)浅谈4235 金狮工业 lionind Q3 2017 的业积:
A)公司于31-3-2017 的库存有4.69亿零吉,与31-12-2016 上一季增加了8千万.
應收款为4.61亿,与31-12-2016 上一季增加了2千万.
長短期借贷为2.4亿,与31-12-2016 上一季減少了1千7万.
累计净利有4.37亿,与31-12-2016 上一季增加了4千9百万,
nta=rm2.51,与31-12-2016 上一季增加了9仙,
公司Q3 2017的赚副为6.45%,31-12-2016 上一季Q2 的赚副为8.6%,
B)lionind Q3 2017 赚4876万,EPS=7.16 SEN,三个季度累计EPS=14.64SEN,
估计全年EPS=20 SEN 可达标.PE=10,股价=RM2
投资路上选择对就简单了,坐享其成。 我相信是的,金狮工业仍然在物有所值内交易,
现lionind rm1.20只在6倍的本益比(pe)交易,明显被低估了.
d)Posted by Ramada > Aug 20, 2018 07:44 AM | Report Abuse
Automotive industry needs a lot of steel, especially cold rolled coil. Megasteel can produce 3.2 million tonnes HRC and 700,000 tonnes CRC a year.
In fact, Megasteel can produce up to 1.45 million tonnes of CRC per year if it runs at full capacity vs CSC Steel’s 620,000 tonnes and Mycron’s 260,000 tonnes.
Market capital of Lionind is about RM850 million. They will acquire Megasteel asset for RM537 million. Currently Lionind’s net tangible assets as high as RM2.69, after it added Megasteel asset to the group, its net tangible assets should be increased sufficiently. I guess mininum RM3.50.
Lionind current share price is RM1.20. You think it’s overvalued or undervalued, all is up to you.
为何狮子产业股价持续走高? Koon Yew Yin 作者:Koon Yew Yin发布日期:星期五,2018年8月17日,09:03 AM 我在土木工程课程中学习的课程之一是冶金学,即制造金属的研究,包括铁,钢,铜和其他金属。 中国已经生产了世界钢铁总产量的50%以上,中国是最大的钢铁出口国。 中国从澳大利亚购买铁矿石,从印尼购买煤炭。通过燃烧煤可以将铁矿石变成铁。通过添加碳,铁可以变成钢。在铁中加入碳,使钢更坚固,更坚韧,达到一定程度。然后它会变得更强,但不那么坚韧,就像铸铁一样坚硬而脆。这意味着如果弯曲它会破裂。碳通过扭曲其晶格来强化铁。 你可以通过回火使钢更坚固。如果你将一块钢加热并将其深入水中,它就会变得更坚固。如果你将一块钢加热并将其深入油中,它会变得更坚固,更坚韧。 在燃烧煤的过程中,大量产生大量二氧化碳和其他杂质。结果,北京,上海和其他城市的天空总是黑暗,空气总是被污染。 由于几乎所有的钢铁厂都是国有的,政府已经终止了大部分钢铁厂。 目前,中国使用废铁和进口铁长棍面包制造自用钢。中国不再出口钢铁。 马来西亚过去从中国进口钢材并保护当地钢铁制造商,政府征收进口关税。 这就是为什么Lion Industry在过去几个季度一直在增加利润的原因。其第一季度EPS 4.08仙,第二季度EPS 8.20仙和第三季结束2018年3月EPS 8.91仙。 3个季度的总EPS为21.19仙。假设其4小时Q与其第3个Q相同,则全年的总EPS将约为30仙。 基于1.25的最后交易股价,其市盈率约为4.应该被认为非常便宜,特别是它具有非常好的利润增长前景,这是遵循我的选择黄金法则。我预计它的第四个Q将比第三个Q好。 上图显示价格从63仙上涨至1.23瑞士法郎,上涨60仙,在不到2个月内上涨近100%。 我的很多朋友都问过我们是卖还是继续购买。 我的销售规则是,一旦我看到公司的利润减少,我就会开始出售。这就是如何最大化利润。 我的很多朋友也问我,如果他们早些时候卖掉,他们是否应该以更高的价格回购。当然,许多股东会出售太早而后悔。一些聪明的人敢于承认他们的错误并以更高的价格回购。鉴于其良好的利润增长,如果您已经售出,您应该回购。 我的很多朋友都问他们是否有更多的购买设施,他们是否冒风险购买更多。 这个问题对我来说有点棘手。这真的取决于你的风险偏好。你能负担得起一些钱吗?或者你是否愿意冒险赚取更少的钱,以防价格下跌而不是走高。 我有义务告诉您狮子产业是我的主要投资之一。我发布这是为了分享我的知识,我不鼓励读者购买或出售这个柜台。
f)Lion Industry: How to Recognise a Growth Stock Early? Koon Yew Yin
Author: Koon Yew Yin | Publish date:
Although the title of this article reflects my egotistic manner and people do not like egoistic people, but it is ego that drives me to think and harder to make so many achievements. I was a co-founder of the 3 of the larger construction and property companies in Malaysia namely Mudajaya, Gamuda and IJM Corporation Bhd.
I am nearly 86 years old and I like to spread my accumulated knowledge to people, mush like a priest preaching the gospel. My intention is honourable.
My track record:
I am only a business man. As I am not an accountant, I can hardly understand a company’s balance sheet. I am also not a chartist. But then how could I buy so much of Latitude Tree, V S Industry and Lii Hen?

The above chart shows that Latitude went up from Rm 1.00 to Rm 8.00, an increase of 800 % within 2.5 years. Its 2015 annual report showed that I was the 4th largest shareholder holding 6.32 million shares.

The above chart shows VS Industry went up from 30 sen in June 2014 to Rm 1.70 in Dec 2016, an increase of 550 % within 18 months. Its 2015 annual report showed that I was the 2nd largest shareholder, holding 102 million shares.

The above chart shows that Lii Hen went up from 40 sen in mid 2013 to Rm 3.00 in Oct 2015, an increase of 750% within 2,5 years. Its 2015 annual report showed that I was the 2nd largest shareholder, holding 19.80 million shares.
My share selection golden rule:
As soon as I see any company with a good business reported 2 consecutive increasing quarterly profit and it is selling at P/E below 10, I will start to buy it. If it reports another quarter with increased profit, I will buy more aggressively.
For example, I started buying Lion Industry as soon as I saw 2 consecutive quarters with increased profit. That means I started buying when it was selling at about 70 sen per share.
Based on my buying method, I would be buying earlier than professional chartists who would only start to buy when the price passes its 70-day moving average, that is Rm 1.20 per share as shown by the price chart below, produced by the famous Mr Ooi Teik Bee.

With due respect, like all professional Mr Ooi’s method is very safe to make money.
When do I start to sell Lion Industry share?
Many day traders would sell as soon as they can make 30% profit. Assuming the bought it at 70 sen, they would start selling at about 90 sen. Statistics shows that day traders do not make much money because they sold too early and would not admit their mistake to buy back the share at higher prices. Most of them would like to boast to their friends that they have made 30% profit within 2 months of buying Lion Industry shares.
As long as Lion Industry continues to report increasing profit, I will not sell. In fact, I will buy more shares with margin loan.
I expect it will report increased profit before end of this month.
I will only start to sell when it starts to show reduced profit.
I am nearly 86 years old and I like to spread my accumulated knowledge to people, mush like a priest preaching the gospel. My intention is honourable.
My track record:
I am only a business man. As I am not an accountant, I can hardly understand a company’s balance sheet. I am also not a chartist. But then how could I buy so much of Latitude Tree, V S Industry and Lii Hen?

The above chart shows that Latitude went up from Rm 1.00 to Rm 8.00, an increase of 800 % within 2.5 years. Its 2015 annual report showed that I was the 4th largest shareholder holding 6.32 million shares.

The above chart shows that Lii Hen went up from 40 sen in mid 2013 to Rm 3.00 in Oct 2015, an increase of 750% within 2,5 years. Its 2015 annual report showed that I was the 2nd largest shareholder, holding 19.80 million shares.
My share selection golden rule:
As soon as I see any company with a good business reported 2 consecutive increasing quarterly profit and it is selling at P/E below 10, I will start to buy it. If it reports another quarter with increased profit, I will buy more aggressively.
For example, I started buying Lion Industry as soon as I saw 2 consecutive quarters with increased profit. That means I started buying when it was selling at about 70 sen per share.
Based on my buying method, I would be buying earlier than professional chartists who would only start to buy when the price passes its 70-day moving average, that is Rm 1.20 per share as shown by the price chart below, produced by the famous Mr Ooi Teik Bee.

With due respect, like all professional Mr Ooi’s method is very safe to make money.
When do I start to sell Lion Industry share?
Many day traders would sell as soon as they can make 30% profit. Assuming the bought it at 70 sen, they would start selling at about 90 sen. Statistics shows that day traders do not make much money because they sold too early and would not admit their mistake to buy back the share at higher prices. Most of them would like to boast to their friends that they have made 30% profit within 2 months of buying Lion Industry shares.
As long as Lion Industry continues to report increasing profit, I will not sell. In fact, I will buy more shares with margin loan.
I expect it will report increased profit before end of this month.
I will only start to sell when it starts to show reduced profit.
3)Steel mill spreads in China, US hit records in May

Global indicators of operating margins at steel mills remain buoyant as viewed in China, Asia and US markets, with steel product pricing outpacing iron ore, ferrous scrap and met coal costs.
S&P Global Platts news feature: Canada, EU, Mexico to be subject to US metals tariffs
Steel to raw materials spreads in China and the US continued to rise in May, after increases over the past three months. New record highs were seen, as spreads surpassed a peak last year in indicative margins.
With new records set monthly, and driven by steel prices rather than any big changes in steel raw materials costs, indicative margins may be approaching their limit.
A survey by S&P Global Platts showed Chinese steel market sentiment weakened further in June. In China, market participants are reported to be extremely uncertain about steel price direction.
Higher steel prices and margins may support raw materials prices, adding to margins for miners, scrap recyclers, and steel producers with higher costs for end-users in the auto, energy and infrastructure sectors.
High quality iron ore premiums and premium coking coal prices have ticked up, on a drive for higher steel mill utilization and efficiency, aiding pollution cuts.
Steel mill spreads are widest in segments such as HRC steel in China, based on export prices, and scrap-based EAF mill flat steel products in the US.
Underlying iron ore costs and coking coal import costs were little changed in May, compared with April.
Iron ore import prices into China settled at $65.95/dry mt CFR China in May, from $65.27/dmt in April, and were off compared to February’s 11-month high of $77.46/dmt CFR China.
With stable coking coal import prices last month, raw material costs for reference iron ore and premium coking coal imported into China in May were marginally higher than in April, and 11.4% higher than a year earlier. This is based on spot prices and quantities used per metric ton of hot metal.
Chinese mill spreads between HRC steel export prices and imports of iron ore with coking coal in May moved up to $365.28/mt, up 2.2% on April. As of Tuesday, the spread was at $363.88/mt FOB, with levels coming off a peak at $371.80/mt on May 28.
The ASEAN HRC spread rose to $386.72/mt in May, based on TSI delivered HRC CFR ASEAN port, up 1.5% on April.
US scrap-based mill spreads rose in May, with steel prices supported by import tariffs. Steel pricing outpaced increases for benchmark Midwest shredded scrap prices.
The US HRC and shredded scrap spread hit $553.33/st ex-works Midwest average over May, up 2.1% on April, and compared with Q1’s $436/st average.
The S&P Global Platts China rebar export price-based spread climbed to $329.04/mt in May, up 4.6% from April.
Source: Platts
Source: Platts