--Masteel Rm1.34 趁低買入,小而美,红股后调整完,随着鋼价的上升,它拥4亿多价值庫存己增
--長钢四支都可进,个人觉得论公司股数,成交,股价,masteel更具赚副,兩季度EPs=10sen,估 计2017年12月止的财年可赚EPs=15sen,取pe=12,股价=RM 1.80 。
--原材料将维持现状,中国为最大钢铁生产与消费国,现有很大权力的定价权,未來1,2年钢价可企穩,国 内钢铁在反倾销税保护下,业者可保净利水平,公司存货与生产是並行的,之前的货现可卖到好价,masteel是被低估股票。合理价rm1.80
--于30-6-2017公司CASH=3078万, 贷款=3.49亿, NTA=RM1.84
--库存为4.33亿 /3.10亿股数=RM1.39(个人简单计算).
--4%赚副,(个人简单计算): 年营业约12亿 乘以4%=48m ,
48M/310M 股数=RM0.15 ,PE=12,股价=RM1.80
Strong international steel prices driven by tight supply of finished goods and increase of raw materials costs have yet to be fully reflected in local steel prices. The local demand for steel remains subdued while the roll out of many mega project is expected to only materialize in the next few quarters. The high price of imported steel together with increasing costs of raw materials present a potentially conducive condition for the margins of the Company's products to improve in the near term.
--長钢四支都可进,个人觉得论公司股数,成交,股价,masteel更具赚副,兩季度EPs=10sen,估 计2017年12月止的财年可赚EPs=15sen,取pe=12,股价=RM 1.80 。
--原材料将维持现状,中国为最大钢铁生产与消费国,现有很大权力的定价权,未來1,2年钢价可企穩,国 内钢铁在反倾销税保护下,业者可保净利水平,公司存货与生产是並行的,之前的货现可卖到好价,masteel是被低估股票。合理价rm1.80
--于30-6-2017公司CASH=3078万, 贷款=3.49亿, NTA=RM1.84
--库存为4.33亿 /3.10亿股数=RM1.39(个人简单计算).
--4%赚副,(个人简单计算): 年营业约12亿 乘以4%=48m ,
48M/310M 股数=RM0.15 ,PE=12,股价=RM1.80
Strong international steel prices driven by tight supply of finished goods and increase of raw materials costs have yet to be fully reflected in local steel prices. The local demand for steel remains subdued while the roll out of many mega project is expected to only materialize in the next few quarters. The high price of imported steel together with increasing costs of raw materials present a potentially conducive condition for the margins of the Company's products to improve in the near term.
MASTEEL – Top 4 Rebar Manufacturer in Malaysia - Davidtslim (Part 2)
Author: davidtslim | Publish date:
Reinforcing steel bars (rebar) are used to help concrete withstand tension forces. Recent two years Malaysia has started (some going to start) many big infrastructure projects boosted the demands of rebars. Let see following news for the China's Steel Exports Drop over 20% for 3 Consecutive Months
Source: http://www.zhongliangang.com/en/freeShow.do?flag=2&id=0000251094
From the news, China steel export to Malaysia has dropped 53.2% since June 2016.
Let go back to one of the Malaysia top 4 rebar manufacturers, Masteel. Masteel main products are steel billets and steel bars, with annual production capacity of 700,000 MT for billets and 600,000 MT for steel bars. Let see the following statement from Masteel annual report 2016 for its current utilization rate.

Source: Annual report 2016
According to annual report in 2016, the utilization rate of Masteel is around 80%. From last quarter report, Masteel has an inventory value of RM433 mil. This inventory value is considered HIGH if compared to its revenue (around 300 mil) and market capital (406 mil). In fact, the inventory value is even higher than the whole Masteel market capital. With high ASP (average selling price) and good demand in Q3 (July – Sept), it is very likely Masteel may increase their production as their plants utilization rate is still stand at 80% in FY 2016. Let see Masteel’s management team Forward Looking Statements from their 2016 annual report as below:

Source: Annual report 2016
Let us see how the Masteel valued its inventories in their annual report 2016 as below:

Source: Annual report 2016
The key here is first-in-first-out (FIFO) basis – this mean the cost of inventories (majorities are raw material) used in the production of rebar during Q3 will be likely lower than my earlier part 1 article estimation (as most raw material purchased in Q2 at lower cost). Refer my part 1 article at https://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/david_masteel/132103.jsp
The (FIFO) method of inventory valuation is a cost flow assumption that the first good purchased is also the first good sold.
For clearer illustration of FIFO, let us go through the following figure where most of their raw materials (scrap metal, electrode etc) were purchased in Q2 (April to June) at lower price (FI – first-In) and then they have fabricated the rebar to be sold in Q3 (FO – first-out). In this case, I believe their cost of sales should be lower due to most of their raw materials were purchased in Q2.

Source: MITI Aug bulletin

Source: MITI Oct bulletin (page 11)

Source: UOB Thestar news report.
Let see the past records in their Annual Report 2016 which shows that most of the inventories are consist of raw materials.

Source: Annual report 2016
The high level of raw materials in their inventories level indicates that these inventories maybe enough for 4-5 months productions of rebar.
It is worth noting that the inventory value is verified by Independence auditor as shown in their annual report 2016 as below (anyway this is for inventories up to 31 Dec 2016).

Source: Annual Report page 113
In short, if Masteel manage to increase its production capacity utilization by 8% and most of its raw materials were purchase in Q2 (April – June), then I would expect higher revenue and higher profit margin can be generated in Q3.
Let assume their cost of production increased by about 5% and 12% in August and September respectively due to lower FIFO inventories cost (original assumptions are 8% and 15%) as shown in the table below:
New Coming quarter Profit Forecast for Q3’17 (July-Sept 2017)
Based on the new average gross profit margin percentage, let me have a new forecast analysis for their coming profit for its Q3’17 (to be released in Nov) based on recent rebar price movement.
Calculation of profit (using inventories which are mainly raw materials):
The new estimated average gross profit margin is as shown in the table below:
I expect revenue should break new high as the ASP of rebar is breaking new high in August and September. Let assume low side of RM330 mil revenue, the gross profit generated is about RM55.37mil based on profit margin of 16.78%(part 1 article is 15.8%). This new estimated RM55.37 mil is more than 100% improvement of gross profit of Q2’17 (RM24.2 mil).
Let see how much the operating expenses and finance cost from Masteel Q2’17 quarter report as below:
New Gross Profit = RM55.37 mil
New Estimated operation expenses = RM14.19 mil (take Q2 figure + 10% assume higher cost)
Estimated finance cost = RM4.8 mil (take Q2 figure)
Estimated other income (mainly forex gain) = RM2.4 mil (take 40% of Q2 other income)
Net Profit before tax = 55.37 – 14.19 – 4.8 + 2.4 = RM38.78 mil
From Q2 report, their income tax rate is 15.3% (relatively low). I assume coming quarter tax rate 20% is due to I wish to be conservative.
Net Profit after tax = RM31.02 mil --> EPS of 9.99 sen (after bonus issue dilution)
9.99 sen is more than 100% improvement of QoQ (4.38 sen) and over 1800% improvement YoY (0.51 sen)
It is worth noting that 9.99 sen EPS already considered the recent bonus issue and private placement shares dilutions (based on total 310.6 mil shares).
2016 and 2017 Quarter Profit Comparison (after bonus and private placement dilution)
The demands and domestic consumption of steel bar and billets in Q4’17 should be able to sustain due to a pick-up in the construction of mega projects (MRT2, LRT3, Tun Razak Exchange building, Pan Borneo Highway Sarawak, and ECRL). The current high rebar price should be sustainable due to rebar supply in domestic is lower than the consumption and also some export opportunities (like Singapore, Australia etc). The estimated EPS of 5.9 sen in Q4’17 is based on assumption of the same RM2650 ASP price but with 20-25% increment of their materials cost.
Recently, one of their main raw materials (scrap metal) prices have been dropping based MITI newsletter data as shown in the graph below (as compared to my part 1 article scrap Iron price):

Source: MITI weekly bulletin
Based on current price of RM1.34 with a possible 23.37 sen EPS, Masteel forward 6-month fair PE (result released in Feb 2018) could drop below 6x. Most of the steel counters’ PE can reach 8 -10 which imply possible target price for Masteel is in the range of RM1.89 (PE 8x) and RM2.34 (PE 10x) which included bonus issue and private placement dilutions.
1. Higher scrap iron price locally and internationally which may affect their cost per ton
2. Recent there is a shortage and price hike of Graphite Electrode which is one of their materials for producing rebar or steel. Grap. Electrode (used in electric arc furnace) can provide high level of conductivity and able to sustain high level of generated heat. The price hike in graphite electrode may increase their production cost per ton by RM200 (about 10-12%).
3. Unplanned break down of their machines which affect their utilization rate of their production capacity.
4. Higher transportation cost due to rising fuel cost in Malaysia in recent two months. Masteel factory is located in Bukit Raja which is closer to LRT project which provides some advantage to its transportation cost as compared to its Peers.
1. Most of their inventories are made of raw materials (based on data from AR2016) and this will benefit Masteel in Q3 due to higher ASP rebar price. Their inventories management is based on FIFO basis which may drive Q3 profit higher than my Masteel part 1 article’s estimation.
2. Current Masteel’s inventories level (RM433 mil) is even higher than its whole market capital. If Masteel increase their production utilization rate to 90% (from 80% in 2016), then its revenue and profit should break new high (YoY and QoQ) due to higher ASP price of rebar (around RM2350 to 2400 in Q3 and RM2550 in Q4 per ton).
3. Masteel will be benefited from recent rebar price rally from RM2000 to RM2600++ (Sept and Q4) (Possible EPS of 9.99 sen in coming quarter).
4. It is a mid capital rebar counter which the weak Q3’16 and Q4’16 results indicate that it still has big room of improvement in term of EPS or PE ratio. If next quarter can deliver 9.99 sen EPS, then Masteel’s possible fair value could be RM1.89 (PE 8x) and RM2.34 (PE 10x, after bonus).
5. China has implemented steel production cut in Q4, high domestic rebar demands, export market opportunities and low inventory in local rebar manufacturers provide sustainability of high rebar average selling price in Q4’17.
You can get my latest update on share analysis at Telegram Channel ==> https://t.me/davidshare
This writing is based on my own assumptions and estimations. It is strictly for sharing purpose, not a buy or sell call of the company.

From the news, China steel export to Malaysia has dropped 53.2% since June 2016.
Let go back to one of the Malaysia top 4 rebar manufacturers, Masteel. Masteel main products are steel billets and steel bars, with annual production capacity of 700,000 MT for billets and 600,000 MT for steel bars. Let see the following statement from Masteel annual report 2016 for its current utilization rate.

Source: Annual report 2016
According to annual report in 2016, the utilization rate of Masteel is around 80%. From last quarter report, Masteel has an inventory value of RM433 mil. This inventory value is considered HIGH if compared to its revenue (around 300 mil) and market capital (406 mil). In fact, the inventory value is even higher than the whole Masteel market capital. With high ASP (average selling price) and good demand in Q3 (July – Sept), it is very likely Masteel may increase their production as their plants utilization rate is still stand at 80% in FY 2016. Let see Masteel’s management team Forward Looking Statements from their 2016 annual report as below:

Source: Annual report 2016
Let us see how the Masteel valued its inventories in their annual report 2016 as below:

Source: Annual report 2016
The key here is first-in-first-out (FIFO) basis – this mean the cost of inventories (majorities are raw material) used in the production of rebar during Q3 will be likely lower than my earlier part 1 article estimation (as most raw material purchased in Q2 at lower cost). Refer my part 1 article at https://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/david_masteel/132103.jsp
The (FIFO) method of inventory valuation is a cost flow assumption that the first good purchased is also the first good sold.
For clearer illustration of FIFO, let us go through the following figure where most of their raw materials (scrap metal, electrode etc) were purchased in Q2 (April to June) at lower price (FI – first-In) and then they have fabricated the rebar to be sold in Q3 (FO – first-out). In this case, I believe their cost of sales should be lower due to most of their raw materials were purchased in Q2.

Source: MITI Aug bulletin

Source: MITI Oct bulletin (page 11)
As we can observe from the figure (MITI Oct bulletin) above, ASP (average selling price) in Q3 (July – Sept) stood around RM2350 to RM2400 for rebar. One of the reports by UOB investment bank also shows that rebar price has breach RM2600 in Sept (http://www.thestar.com.my/business/business-news/2017/10/10/steel-prices-to-inch-upwards/) Here is some excerpt from UOB thestar report.

Source: UOB Thestar news report.
Let see the past records in their Annual Report 2016 which shows that most of the inventories are consist of raw materials.

Source: Annual report 2016
The high level of raw materials in their inventories level indicates that these inventories maybe enough for 4-5 months productions of rebar.
It is worth noting that the inventory value is verified by Independence auditor as shown in their annual report 2016 as below (anyway this is for inventories up to 31 Dec 2016).

Source: Annual Report page 113
In short, if Masteel manage to increase its production capacity utilization by 8% and most of its raw materials were purchase in Q2 (April – June), then I would expect higher revenue and higher profit margin can be generated in Q3.
Let assume their cost of production increased by about 5% and 12% in August and September respectively due to lower FIFO inventories cost (original assumptions are 8% and 15%) as shown in the table below:
July (RM) | Aug (RM) | Sept (RM) | |
ASP per ton |
Cost per ton |
~1900 (maintain cost as old inventory)
~1995 (+5% vs +8% in part 1 report )
~2128 (+12% vs +15% in part 1 report)
Gross Profit Margin (GPM %) |
AverageGross profit margin in 3 months (%) |
New Coming quarter Profit Forecast for Q3’17 (July-Sept 2017)
Based on the new average gross profit margin percentage, let me have a new forecast analysis for their coming profit for its Q3’17 (to be released in Nov) based on recent rebar price movement.
Calculation of profit (using inventories which are mainly raw materials):
The new estimated average gross profit margin is as shown in the table below:
Projected Revenue | 330 mil | 400 mil | 450 mil |
Gross profit based on 16.78% (RM) |
Let see how much the operating expenses and finance cost from Masteel Q2’17 quarter report as below:
New Gross Profit = RM55.37 mil
New Estimated operation expenses = RM14.19 mil (take Q2 figure + 10% assume higher cost)
Estimated finance cost = RM4.8 mil (take Q2 figure)
Estimated other income (mainly forex gain) = RM2.4 mil (take 40% of Q2 other income)
Net Profit before tax = 55.37 – 14.19 – 4.8 + 2.4 = RM38.78 mil
From Q2 report, their income tax rate is 15.3% (relatively low). I assume coming quarter tax rate 20% is due to I wish to be conservative.
Net Profit after tax = RM31.02 mil --> EPS of 9.99 sen (after bonus issue dilution)
9.99 sen is more than 100% improvement of QoQ (4.38 sen) and over 1800% improvement YoY (0.51 sen)
It is worth noting that 9.99 sen EPS already considered the recent bonus issue and private placement shares dilutions (based on total 310.6 mil shares).
2016 and 2017 Quarter Profit Comparison (after bonus and private placement dilution)
2016 (mil, EPS in sen)
2017 (mil, EPS in sen) Included dilution of bonus & private placement
| |
Q1 |
5.0, 2.1
14.08, 4.27
Q2 |
10.68, 4.41
10.6, 3.21
Q3 |
1.2, 0.51
estimated (~31.02,~9.99)
Q4 |
4.03, 1.67
?? estimated about 20.44, 5.9 sen
Total |
21.03, 8.69
Estimated(~76.14, ~23.37 sen)
Recently, one of their main raw materials (scrap metal) prices have been dropping based MITI newsletter data as shown in the graph below (as compared to my part 1 article scrap Iron price):

Source: MITI weekly bulletin
Based on current price of RM1.34 with a possible 23.37 sen EPS, Masteel forward 6-month fair PE (result released in Feb 2018) could drop below 6x. Most of the steel counters’ PE can reach 8 -10 which imply possible target price for Masteel is in the range of RM1.89 (PE 8x) and RM2.34 (PE 10x) which included bonus issue and private placement dilutions.
1. Higher scrap iron price locally and internationally which may affect their cost per ton
2. Recent there is a shortage and price hike of Graphite Electrode which is one of their materials for producing rebar or steel. Grap. Electrode (used in electric arc furnace) can provide high level of conductivity and able to sustain high level of generated heat. The price hike in graphite electrode may increase their production cost per ton by RM200 (about 10-12%).
3. Unplanned break down of their machines which affect their utilization rate of their production capacity.
4. Higher transportation cost due to rising fuel cost in Malaysia in recent two months. Masteel factory is located in Bukit Raja which is closer to LRT project which provides some advantage to its transportation cost as compared to its Peers.
1. Most of their inventories are made of raw materials (based on data from AR2016) and this will benefit Masteel in Q3 due to higher ASP rebar price. Their inventories management is based on FIFO basis which may drive Q3 profit higher than my Masteel part 1 article’s estimation.
2. Current Masteel’s inventories level (RM433 mil) is even higher than its whole market capital. If Masteel increase their production utilization rate to 90% (from 80% in 2016), then its revenue and profit should break new high (YoY and QoQ) due to higher ASP price of rebar (around RM2350 to 2400 in Q3 and RM2550 in Q4 per ton).
3. Masteel will be benefited from recent rebar price rally from RM2000 to RM2600++ (Sept and Q4) (Possible EPS of 9.99 sen in coming quarter).
4. It is a mid capital rebar counter which the weak Q3’16 and Q4’16 results indicate that it still has big room of improvement in term of EPS or PE ratio. If next quarter can deliver 9.99 sen EPS, then Masteel’s possible fair value could be RM1.89 (PE 8x) and RM2.34 (PE 10x, after bonus).
5. China has implemented steel production cut in Q4, high domestic rebar demands, export market opportunities and low inventory in local rebar manufacturers provide sustainability of high rebar average selling price in Q4’17.
You can get my latest update on share analysis at Telegram Channel ==> https://t.me/davidshare
This writing is based on my own assumptions and estimations. It is strictly for sharing purpose, not a buy or sell call of the company.
@ 强势板块里淘宝找强势股 找出潜在40%涨幅牛股
@ 强势板块里淘宝找强势股 找出潜在40%涨幅牛股
马钢铁(MASTEEL 5098)
辉高(FAVCO 7229)
两发钢铁(LEONFB 5232)
辉高(FAVCO 7229)
两发钢铁(LEONFB 5232)
马钢铁(MASTEEL 5098):
[转贴] 大马钢厂MASTEEL – 马币走强的主要受惠者 - RH Research
Author: Tan KW | Publish date:
MASTEEL创办于1971年,在2005年上市于大马主要板。成立初期,集团在雪兰莪Petaling Jaya经营一家轧钢厂,主要生产低碳钢筋 (Steel Bars)。在1998年,作为提高生产赚幅的战略之一,MASTEEL在巴生Bukit Raja建设一座熔炼厂,主要用于生产钢坯 (Steel Billet) 。这厂房是当地最现代化的熔炼厂之一,年产能达700,000吨。
在2013年,MASTEEL对于其下游业务进行扩展,在Bukit Raja建设一座新的轧钢厂,并已在2015年10月正式投产。在这之前,MASTEEL把Bukit Raja生产的钢坯送往Petaling Jaya进行加工,导致必须承担一笔运输费用。目前,集团可直接在Bukit Raja加工,省时又省钱。
在2013年,MASTEEL对于其下游业务进行扩展,在Bukit Raja建设一座新的轧钢厂,并已在2015年10月正式投产。在这之前,MASTEEL把Bukit Raja生产的钢坯送往Petaling Jaya进行加工,导致必须承担一笔运输费用。目前,集团可直接在Bukit Raja加工,省时又省钱。
整体而言,MASTELL目前拥有有3家厂房,包括两家轧钢厂和一家熔炼厂,地点分别坐落在巴生Bukit Raja和Petaling Jaya,地理上的优势让集团多年来始终在巴生河流域地区钢铁市场中占有重要地位。
业绩方面, MASTEEL在今年Q1及Q2一共交出RM24.7m盈利,超越FY16全年表现,主要归功于显著的外汇收益。集团的主要收入来自本地市场,占FY16营业额的89%,而其余11%贡献来自出口。
在业务发展上,通过未来5年陆续推出的大型基础设施项目,MASTEEL放眼把东马的销售量进一步提高。集团将瞄准更多新兴终客户,如政府关联企业、西马主要承包商以及东马的新经销商。为了提升销售量15%,MASTEEL正在西马地区积极营销其产品,并预计可从2017-2022年进行中的Pan Borneo大道项目受益。
据管理层说,MASTEEL的钢筋产能将在今年提升,有望带动其收入额外增长RM150m,相等于12.5%的增幅。当然,这前提是钢筋需求持续走高。集团位于Bukit Raja的新轧钢厂使用率达到63.5%,主要生产优质小直径的钢筋Y10、Y12和Y16。未来,多个生产技术将陆续安装在这厂房上,届时有望提高其生产效率。
业绩方面, MASTEEL在今年Q1及Q2一共交出RM24.7m盈利,超越FY16全年表现,主要归功于显著的外汇收益。集团的主要收入来自本地市场,占FY16营业额的89%,而其余11%贡献来自出口。
在业务发展上,通过未来5年陆续推出的大型基础设施项目,MASTEEL放眼把东马的销售量进一步提高。集团将瞄准更多新兴终客户,如政府关联企业、西马主要承包商以及东马的新经销商。为了提升销售量15%,MASTEEL正在西马地区积极营销其产品,并预计可从2017-2022年进行中的Pan Borneo大道项目受益。
据管理层说,MASTEEL的钢筋产能将在今年提升,有望带动其收入额外增长RM150m,相等于12.5%的增幅。当然,这前提是钢筋需求持续走高。集团位于Bukit Raja的新轧钢厂使用率达到63.5%,主要生产优质小直径的钢筋Y10、Y12和Y16。未来,多个生产技术将陆续安装在这厂房上,届时有望提高其生产效率。
价格看涨 估值落后聚美两发中钢有赚头
NanyangTue, Oct 10, 2017 - 2 days ago
PETALING JAYA: Analysts are bullish on the local steel sector and expect prices to continue on an upward trend this year on the back of higher infrastructure contract awards.
After reaching another record high of RM2,642 per metric ton (MT) last month, analysts told StarBiz that there is room for steel prices to further surge.
Some are of the view that it could breach the RM2,650 mark by year-end or the early next year amid some easing in the construction activities in China in the current quarter.
The boost to steel prices will come from stronger demand for existing and upcoming mega infrastructure projects, analysts added. UOB Kay Hian analyst Abdul Hadi Manaf, who is bullish of the sector is maintaining his overweight stance on the sector.
“We expect investors to give due attention to the steel sector, given the sector’s cheap single-digit price-earnings (PE) multiple in the third quarter (Q3 17), rising domestic demand (amid rising construction activities of mega projects) and the dearth of alternative compelling investments.” he added.
He also believe that valuations could stretch further for companies that undertake effective capital management. “Ann Joo
is our top pick, while notable stocks include Choo Bee Metal Industries
, MaSteel, Leon Fuat, CSC Steel and Prestar Resources,’’ he noted.
According to the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) data, local steel bar prices rose further to reach another record high of
RM2,642/MT in Sep 17 (+45.5% y-o-y, +6.2% m-o-m), while local billet prices increased to RM2,363/MT (+53.6% yoy, +6.5% mom).
This brought steel bar prices in Q3 17 to RM2,417/MT (+16.4% q-o-q), exceeding the peak of RM2,233/MT in Q1 17.
UOB Kay Hian expect the increase in domestic demand brought about by more contract awards for infrastructure and mega projects, particularly LRT 3, to provide support to domestic steel prices.
However, it noted that prices may ease in Q4 17 to reflect the seasonal slowdown in China’s construction activities. In September, China steel billets fetched a 12% price premium to local billets versus an 18% premium in August 17, as China billet prices have started to ease.
While most steel companies trade at about 10 times annualised PE, Choo Bee and MaSteel trade at only half their respective annualised price-to-book
Leon Fuat trades at only 5.0 times 12-month trailing PE while CSC Steel’s share price has been flat since July 17. Prestar comes across as interesting, riding on the various upcoming highway projects.
After reaching another record high of RM2,642 per metric ton (MT) last month, analysts told StarBiz that there is room for steel prices to further surge.
Some are of the view that it could breach the RM2,650 mark by year-end or the early next year amid some easing in the construction activities in China in the current quarter.
The boost to steel prices will come from stronger demand for existing and upcoming mega infrastructure projects, analysts added. UOB Kay Hian analyst Abdul Hadi Manaf, who is bullish of the sector is maintaining his overweight stance on the sector.
“We expect investors to give due attention to the steel sector, given the sector’s cheap single-digit price-earnings (PE) multiple in the third quarter (Q3 17), rising domestic demand (amid rising construction activities of mega projects) and the dearth of alternative compelling investments.” he added.
He also believe that valuations could stretch further for companies that undertake effective capital management. “Ann Joo

According to the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) data, local steel bar prices rose further to reach another record high of
RM2,642/MT in Sep 17 (+45.5% y-o-y, +6.2% m-o-m), while local billet prices increased to RM2,363/MT (+53.6% yoy, +6.5% mom).
This brought steel bar prices in Q3 17 to RM2,417/MT (+16.4% q-o-q), exceeding the peak of RM2,233/MT in Q1 17.
UOB Kay Hian expect the increase in domestic demand brought about by more contract awards for infrastructure and mega projects, particularly LRT 3, to provide support to domestic steel prices.
However, it noted that prices may ease in Q4 17 to reflect the seasonal slowdown in China’s construction activities. In September, China steel billets fetched a 12% price premium to local billets versus an 18% premium in August 17, as China billet prices have started to ease.
While most steel companies trade at about 10 times annualised PE, Choo Bee and MaSteel trade at only half their respective annualised price-to-book
Leon Fuat trades at only 5.0 times 12-month trailing PE while CSC Steel’s share price has been flat since July 17. Prestar comes across as interesting, riding on the various upcoming highway projects.