公司Roe 达31,87是隆市中少见,前景光明。
--Mmsv: 0113 短期2元,長期3元,公司基本面佷好,业务处成長趋势,净利增長中,

Based on MMSV's daily chart above, MMSV broke the bullish flag pattern and formed a new high today. If you look at the chart above carefully, you might notice the flag pattern just keep repeating itself many times since 2017.
MMSV has been trending up nicely since this year and move in-tandem with PENTA, another multi-bagger which I first analyzed it here and updated subsequently. Since they are both test equipment makers and are benefiting from the strong boom of the semiconductor industry, the in sync movement is not unexpected.
Based on the flag projection, the immediate target price is 1.80. A trailing stop to ride the nice uptrend could be a good option.
I am bullish on MMSV as long as it is staying above 1.50.
g)Monday, 13 March 2017
Read more at http://www.thestar.com.my/business/business-news/2017/03/13/mmsv-eyes-doubledigit-growth/#pbZY7g2GOshEkKW0.99
The Edge Malaysia
March 29, 2017
AMID the rally in semiconductor stocks, MMS Ventures Bhd (MMSV) has largely gone unnoticed due to its listing on the ACE Market. Many large funds simply do not have the mandate to take positions in ACE Market stocks.
Even with a 27% rally in its share price over the past two weeks to 75 sen per share last Thursday, MMSV is valued at only 12.6 times earnings. In contrast, larger semiconductor stocks like Globetronics Technology Bhd and Inari Amertron Bhd are valued at 52.8 times earnings and 21.65 times earnings respectively.
But MMSV may soon shed its ACE Market discount.
“We hit the net profit requirement back in 2015. We only need three years cumulative net profit of RM20 million to qualify for a promotion to the Main Board. It is something that we are planning. If all goes well, we might be on the Main Board by the third or fourth quarter,” says chairman and managing director Sia Teik Keat, adding that the final decision lies with the Securities Commission Malaysia.
With a cumulative net profit of RM33.08 million over the past four years, MMSV should not have a hard time securing SC’s approval.
Furthermore, Sia expects MMSV’s 1H2017 net profit performance to further build a case for promotion to the Main Board.
“Barring any unforeseen circumstances, we anticipate that earnings will be at least 20% higher in the first half,” he says.
MMSV booked a 13.7% year-on-year increase in revenue to RM35.6 million for the financial year ended Dec 31, 2016. Meanwhile, net profits rose by 17.8% y-o-y in the same period to RM9.52 million.
A 20% increase in net profits for FY2017 would translate into an earnings per share of 7.1 sen. In turn, that values the company at only 10.5 times forward earnings.
Sia is able to speak confidently about earnings prospects because the project-based nature of the group’s core operations offers earnings visibility.
MMSV produces testing and inspection equipment for LEDs, specifically, for smart devices, the automotive industry and general lighting as well. The inspection equipment has to be ordered by LED manufacturers ahead of a new product cycle.
New features are expected in this year’s line-up of smartphones — expecially Apple’s 10th anniversary iPhone 8 — that will act as a catalyst for semiconductor companies such as MMSV.
This year, Sia says orders from new customers as well as MMSV’s diversification into wafer inspection equipment will drive earnings growth.
“We managed to secure some new clients for our visual inspection equipment this year. On top of that, our wafer inspection is still on a low base. We have only received orders for the first few units; we expect this segment to grow,” he explains.
Sia says MMSV diversified last year into inspection machines for the LEDs semiconductor wafers — thin slices of crystalline semiconductor material.
“The degree of difficulty for wafer inspection is much higher. It is a high value machine that commands higher margins. It also has less competition.”
The group’s venture into wafer inspection is a direct result of research and development investment over the years, he adds. For now, MMSV has secured two customers for the wafer inspection machines, but expects the business to grow because the platform for the machines is relatively universal.
The main driver of MMSV’s earnings however, will continue to be the visual and inspection equipment for LEDs.
“One of our key products are visual inspection machines to inspect lenses for the flash in smart devices. Our clients include the top four LED makers in the world,” says Sia.
Currently, the smart devices segment makes up about 40% of profits. Automotive makes up about 25% while 10% comes from general lighting.
Going ahead, however, Sia anticipates more sales in MMSV’s smart devices segment that will increase its contribution to profits to 55%.
“Our automotive segment has a lower volume, but much higher margins. This is because automakers have longer product cycles and tight tolerances for quality. Smart devices have much higher volume, because phone makers are constantly launching new products. However, it is also more competitive, so margins are a little lower,” he notes.
Sia claims MMSV’s technology is on a par with its Taiwanese peers. However, MMSV boasts a cost advantage, with a substantial portion denominated in ringgit. Meanwhile, the bulk of MMSV’s earnings are in US dollars.
“We have been doing this for about 20 years and have a strong pool of technical expertise. Japan, for example, is ahead of us. But they are more expensive as well,” he says.
Between higher profits and the possibility of a Main Board listing, MMSV will certainly be an interesting stock to watch this year. However, it is also interesting to note that beyond the improved profile, the company does not have much need to move to the Main Board.
Specifically, MMSV does not need a transfer to the Main Board to raise funds. The group is currently sitting on cash of RM17.8 million and has zero borrowings. That translates into a net cash per share of 11.1 sen.
“MMSV has about 1.9 million treasury shares as we do buy backs from time to time when the share price is low. We will be able to place these shares out to funds interested to take a position in the company. However, we have no intention for now to place out new shares to raise funds. We have enough cash,” Sia says.
Another option would be for the company’s major shareholders to place out their shares. Sia himself has a 22.6% stake in the company.
For now, MMSV does not have any immediate plans to reinvest the large cash pile to scale up the business. Sia is content to place the funds into investments like unit trusts and the equity market for the time being, while seeking acquisition opportunities that can create synergy with MMSV.
There are no immediate plans to boost dividend payments either, says Sia, who is content to maintain the existing payout ratio in excess of 30%.
--2017首季EPS=2.55SEN,净利410万,营业数为1490万,赚副达27.5%,为历史高位,公司Roe 达31,87是隆市中少见,前景光明。
--Mmsv: 0113 短期2元,長期3元,公司基本面佷好,业务处成長趋势,净利增長中,
--MMSV 0113 个人看作是类似 VITROX 0097 的走势翻板.
--Jhm,vitrox,elsoft 都分红股了,虽还会上但相对动力小,看好mmsv 0113配合转主板,
业积持续增長下,其股价动力十足,rm2 己是肯定的了。
--MMSV 0113 个人看作是类似 VITROX 0097 的走势翻板.
--Jhm,vitrox,elsoft 都分红股了,虽还会上但相对动力小,看好mmsv 0113配合转主板,
业积持续增長下,其股价动力十足,rm2 己是肯定的了。
Mmsv :生产,硏发,测试Led(发光二极管)与半导体自动化器材,公司出口市塲包括美国,,亞洲,大马,
Mmsv :生产,硏发,测试Led(发光二极管)与半导体自动化器材,公司出口市塲包括美国,,亞洲,大马,
b)So many ppl are saying good news on this stock.
HITnRUN bro said coming QR is the highest ever in the mmsv history in terms of revenue, profit, eps.....very good bussiness outlook for Q3 & Q4...
Then, Chelsea bro said Coming EPS is around 5.5 to 5.76. It easily hit RM2.
And Berkshire bro said Director of MMSV, Mr Tan has acquired another 130k of MMSV share at 10 Jul, with price range 1.47 -1.51 on that day. Still doubt on the coming results?
Ok lo, since so many ppl are optimistic on this stock, I think we should do some simple calculations to see if that is true. Afterall, the KLCI is on downtrend leh. Referring to the below article from the Star: http://www.thestar.com.my/business/business-news/2017/06/05/chip-test-equipment-makers-remain-bullish/
50 units equipment were delivered to client as of June 5, 2017 and 20 units to go before end of June, meaning 70 units in the 1H2017. Each unit can sell between 100k to 220k USD. So, for simplicity, I take the average which is 160k USD. 1H2017 revenue should be 70 unit * USD 160k/unit * RM 4.25/USD = RM 47.6mils. Q1 reported revenue is 14.9mils, so Q2 revenue should be 32.7mils. The average past 4 quarters profit margin for MMSV is 26.625%. Hence, 32.7mils * 0.26625 = 8.7mils. WOW, that is fantastic man. It is equivalent to 5.34 EPS. Seems like HITnRUN bro and Chelsea bro are right.
Ok, next, 30 to 40 units to be delivered in the 2H2017 as of June 5, 2017. That is assuming no more additional order coming till the end of 2017, which I think should be quite conservative. So, total 110 units in 2017. If you repeat the steps above, you will get RM 74.8mils revenue and 19.92mils net profit for whole year 2017! The best result ever.
Finally, let us see what should be the fair price. 19.92mils is 12.22 EPS. If we use PER of 15, MMSV worths RM 1.83, slightly less than Chelsea bro TP of RM 2. Nevermind, if let says MMSV can transfer to Mainboard due to all these excellent results, they should demand higher PER. Considering PER of 20, the share price should be 12.22 * 20 = RM 2.44!! Awesome.
In the end, we don't know what is the actual result until the company publishes it. What do you think?
LEDinside: 車用LED市場需求帶動2017-2021 全球LED市場產值
2017年的LED產業受惠於LED市場價格止穩,加上車用照明領域的快速成長,LEDinside預估2017年的車用LED產值達到28.17 億美金 (+14.8% YoY)。相對而言2015年至2021年,整體LED產業的年複合成長率僅3%的成長幅度。LED產業的幾項主流應用包括手機應用,中大尺寸面板背光等應用,將因OLED的崛起而逐年下滑。至於LED照明雖然已經是LED產業的最大宗應用,但由於滲透率飽和以及競爭者眾,使得整體產值出現成長趨緩的狀態。但由於各家LED廠商紛紛投入汽車照明,以及小間距顯示屏領域,因此整體的市場仍呈現增長態勢。
LEDinside 分析車用市場主要成長動能:
因應導光板在尾燈的導入比例拉高,因此提高LED在尾燈總成的使用顆數。隨著車輛智慧化與多媒體的功能逐漸增加,包括車內智能後視鏡等功能的導入,可减少死角的問題並提升駕駛安全性,未來兩年將有機會列入車輛標準配備,增加車用鏡頭與面板的使用量,可預期的未來五年內,車用面板依舊是車內成長最爲快速的應用,預估2021年產值將迅猛增長達到1.73億美金 (2016~2021 CAGR:26%)
做空機構Citron Research說:NVIDIA股價將跌回130美元。
另一說是蘋果(股票代號:AAPL),美國媒體Business Insider報導說:今年下半年將推出的iPhone手機上網的技術會慢於對手很多倍!
而競爭對手高通(股票代號:QCOM)則可以提供更快網速的晶片技術,蘋果的最大競爭對手三星在今年推出的Galaxy S8,早就配備了高通生產的這個關鍵晶片技術。
近期S&P500財報 大型科技股表現相對亮眼
MMSV This Pattern Has Keep Showing Up For More Than Half A Dozen Since 2017 And It Is Here Again
Author: Ming Jong Tey | Publish date:
MMSV (0113): Bullish
Pattern: Bullish Flag Breakout
Based on MMSV's daily chart above, MMSV broke the bullish flag pattern and formed a new high today. If you look at the chart above carefully, you might notice the flag pattern just keep repeating itself many times since 2017.
MMSV has been trending up nicely since this year and move in-tandem with PENTA, another multi-bagger which I first analyzed it here and updated subsequently. Since they are both test equipment makers and are benefiting from the strong boom of the semiconductor industry, the in sync movement is not unexpected.
Based on the flag projection, the immediate target price is 1.80. A trailing stop to ride the nice uptrend could be a good option.
I am bullish on MMSV as long as it is staying above 1.50.
g)Monday, 13 March 2017
Read more at http://www.thestar.com.my/business/business-news/2017/03/13/mmsv-eyes-doubledigit-growth/#pbZY7g2GOshEkKW0.99
h)MMS Ventures eyes Main Board transfer in 2H:
Ben Shane LimThe Edge Malaysia
March 29, 2017
AMID the rally in semiconductor stocks, MMS Ventures Bhd (MMSV) has largely gone unnoticed due to its listing on the ACE Market. Many large funds simply do not have the mandate to take positions in ACE Market stocks.
Even with a 27% rally in its share price over the past two weeks to 75 sen per share last Thursday, MMSV is valued at only 12.6 times earnings. In contrast, larger semiconductor stocks like Globetronics Technology Bhd and Inari Amertron Bhd are valued at 52.8 times earnings and 21.65 times earnings respectively.
But MMSV may soon shed its ACE Market discount.
“We hit the net profit requirement back in 2015. We only need three years cumulative net profit of RM20 million to qualify for a promotion to the Main Board. It is something that we are planning. If all goes well, we might be on the Main Board by the third or fourth quarter,” says chairman and managing director Sia Teik Keat, adding that the final decision lies with the Securities Commission Malaysia.
With a cumulative net profit of RM33.08 million over the past four years, MMSV should not have a hard time securing SC’s approval.
Furthermore, Sia expects MMSV’s 1H2017 net profit performance to further build a case for promotion to the Main Board.
“Barring any unforeseen circumstances, we anticipate that earnings will be at least 20% higher in the first half,” he says.
MMSV booked a 13.7% year-on-year increase in revenue to RM35.6 million for the financial year ended Dec 31, 2016. Meanwhile, net profits rose by 17.8% y-o-y in the same period to RM9.52 million.
A 20% increase in net profits for FY2017 would translate into an earnings per share of 7.1 sen. In turn, that values the company at only 10.5 times forward earnings.
Sia is able to speak confidently about earnings prospects because the project-based nature of the group’s core operations offers earnings visibility.
MMSV produces testing and inspection equipment for LEDs, specifically, for smart devices, the automotive industry and general lighting as well. The inspection equipment has to be ordered by LED manufacturers ahead of a new product cycle.
New features are expected in this year’s line-up of smartphones — expecially Apple’s 10th anniversary iPhone 8 — that will act as a catalyst for semiconductor companies such as MMSV.
This year, Sia says orders from new customers as well as MMSV’s diversification into wafer inspection equipment will drive earnings growth.
“We managed to secure some new clients for our visual inspection equipment this year. On top of that, our wafer inspection is still on a low base. We have only received orders for the first few units; we expect this segment to grow,” he explains.
Sia says MMSV diversified last year into inspection machines for the LEDs semiconductor wafers — thin slices of crystalline semiconductor material.
“The degree of difficulty for wafer inspection is much higher. It is a high value machine that commands higher margins. It also has less competition.”
The group’s venture into wafer inspection is a direct result of research and development investment over the years, he adds. For now, MMSV has secured two customers for the wafer inspection machines, but expects the business to grow because the platform for the machines is relatively universal.
The main driver of MMSV’s earnings however, will continue to be the visual and inspection equipment for LEDs.
“One of our key products are visual inspection machines to inspect lenses for the flash in smart devices. Our clients include the top four LED makers in the world,” says Sia.
Currently, the smart devices segment makes up about 40% of profits. Automotive makes up about 25% while 10% comes from general lighting.
Going ahead, however, Sia anticipates more sales in MMSV’s smart devices segment that will increase its contribution to profits to 55%.
“Our automotive segment has a lower volume, but much higher margins. This is because automakers have longer product cycles and tight tolerances for quality. Smart devices have much higher volume, because phone makers are constantly launching new products. However, it is also more competitive, so margins are a little lower,” he notes.
Sia claims MMSV’s technology is on a par with its Taiwanese peers. However, MMSV boasts a cost advantage, with a substantial portion denominated in ringgit. Meanwhile, the bulk of MMSV’s earnings are in US dollars.
“We have been doing this for about 20 years and have a strong pool of technical expertise. Japan, for example, is ahead of us. But they are more expensive as well,” he says.
Between higher profits and the possibility of a Main Board listing, MMSV will certainly be an interesting stock to watch this year. However, it is also interesting to note that beyond the improved profile, the company does not have much need to move to the Main Board.
Specifically, MMSV does not need a transfer to the Main Board to raise funds. The group is currently sitting on cash of RM17.8 million and has zero borrowings. That translates into a net cash per share of 11.1 sen.
“MMSV has about 1.9 million treasury shares as we do buy backs from time to time when the share price is low. We will be able to place these shares out to funds interested to take a position in the company. However, we have no intention for now to place out new shares to raise funds. We have enough cash,” Sia says.
Another option would be for the company’s major shareholders to place out their shares. Sia himself has a 22.6% stake in the company.
For now, MMSV does not have any immediate plans to reinvest the large cash pile to scale up the business. Sia is content to place the funds into investments like unit trusts and the equity market for the time being, while seeking acquisition opportunities that can create synergy with MMSV.
There are no immediate plans to boost dividend payments either, says Sia, who is content to maintain the existing payout ratio in excess of 30%.
I)Monday, 5 June 2017